Monday, May 21, 2012

Get this Link, or else...

I'm afraid sometimes, that YouTube will take over my life. I spend a lot of time on YouTube, and answering my Gmail messages.

Today, I have listened to the talks by two well-known Muslim women speaking on Islamic topics. This is one of the links (above, for Myriam Francois Cerrah). I haven't yet watched Myriam's entire speech, but the question and answer session proved quite rewarding, and she gives many examples which I have also realized upon reflection of Islam, and history. One example is the role of the Prophet, SAWS, and his extreme patience to deliver the message, and as the prime example of Muslim character in a perfected state. How he did not retaliate for himself, but only if the rights of God or other people were violated.

One might think though, that the Sahabah used to defend the Prophet, in the battlefield, therefore we should also defend him, in our own 'battlefields'; but I'm against any forms of physical violence. The most Islamic thing to do is debate the non-Muslims, so that at least some people among them will stop their attacks on Islam, or Islam's Prophet. We are law abiding citizens, if nothing else. We can aptly defend with our freedom of speech, and that is commendable. There are examples in the traditions when a companion of the Prophet Muhammad, would say, "I'll chop his head off for you" (something any capable man in those days would do in a split-second if ordered by his conscience); yet when Muhammad, SAWS, would request that they not, they would obey him.

It was only by the light of the Qur'an and the guidance of the Messenger, SAWS, Allah's true Prophet, that the warring Arabs were modeled into a cohesive and peace-loving society. Yes, they loved peace, despite that war was a fact of daily life. War was the last resort when peace efforts failed. It was not without pain, that fathers and sons fought and died, to preserve their way of life, or to defend their new religion. What, if no other reason is the reason that America sends troops to Afghanistan? Isn't it to defend their way of life? That's what they tell us.

She speaks about the rights of the victim. Muslims often forget, she notes, that forgiveness is better in the sight of Allah. For example, which happens in the Gulf States, and even Saudi Arabia, people are sometimes forgiven by the victim, or family of a victim, when the perpetrator has shown real remorse. Even in cases of quasi -  murder.

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