
 Why should the official account of 9/11 be treated as sacrosanct and accepted at face value, especially as it is the rationale for some of the most dangerous undertakings in the whole history of the world? Griffin

"Screw Loosechange" Says One Comment:

CJ said:

“Gee, there are “gaps” in trying to piece together a sudden attack involving a clandestine group operating out of several countries, with multiple, simultaneous targets, thousands of distraught witnesses and government staffers, fire, explosions and hijackings. And those directly involved are dead. What politically motivated conspiracy theorists see as evidence, most see as entirely expected”

I have to respond on a few points, first, that the attacks, were not “entirely expected”, in fact the opposite is true (if you accept the official dogma   and all that the government has stated) The only thing that seems in retrospect (was)  expected is America’s willingness to go to war in Iraq to take the “oil”.

Gaps in the investigation’s understanding of what evidence was available i.e. A passport of one of the hijackers miraculously survives combustion in an exploding airplane, where everything is almost completely destroyed (One has to be an imbecile to believe that; obviously not a “gap”, but an enlightening moment if one can be honest with himself, or he is on pills  prescribed to the extremely
 paranoid and forgot to take one, sees the passport and says, it’s because I forgot to take my green pill, (or whatever color you want them to be)).

Second, here is another interesting remark related to Bin Laden, which might help shed light on the real “possibilities” (or probabilities, whichever you like better): “officials have not yet seen any indication that Bin Laden had the ability to coordinate timing of attacks across the various al-Qaida affiliates in Pakistan, Yemen, Algeria, Iraq and Somalia” This is a case of “You can’t have your cake, and eat it too” because now that Bin Laden is dead, there is ample room to discredit him, and no way can he respond, or give any kind of “comeback” performance. Possibility, bin Laden was aided and abetted. Probability, America, or the Mosad helped frame the terrorists; maybe bin Laden thought he was the 9-11 mastermind, or he was a spin-doctor along with al Zawahiri.

Yup, he’s dead, or buried (for those who consider him a martyr as well) we all (kind of) know that now. Therefore, while discrediting him is more fun, now without the risk of  enraging him, or his defunct al-Qaida network ,which is proving to be nothing but a bunch of computer happy (albeit extremists) “nutjobs” with no real capabilities of a repeat attack like 9-11, ipso facto, not his work alone, (we know it wasn’t done by him without an inside job in the works at the same time)And living on borrowed time, and less funding now that their leader is gone, zero chances of that (repeat) happening;  discrediting him, will mean proving that he never was what he was built up to be, in the first place. Sometimes, America, you just can’t win, eh? With bin Laden gone, It’s a no win situation for everyone, except maybe the 9-11 conspiracy theorists?

Just so you all know, I’m not against mentally ill people who take drugs for their illness. On the other
Hand, I resent all those weak people who can’t put two and two together, blaming Muslims everywhere for everything, not just  a small percentage of Muslims anymore, but all Muslims, and our religion Islam, the best religion given to mankind: I resent everything else those people do that stinks.That’s off my chest, do I feel (a little) better!

 Another supposed “gap” I have to address is the witnesses. You know if something happens, like an exploding canister or something, and everyone is scared, or even an accident, airplane crash, train wreck, or bus accident, (which happen here a lot, what with people not understanding the traffic rules, or not even caring), everyone is usually confused, don’t know what really happened, and sometimes  there are conflicting reports by the witnesses.  Often everyone has a different account of what happens during an emergency, or an accident, or the moment before the accident. In the investigations into 9-11 some people said they heard explosions, or saw small fires, some saw seats or the airplane. Some people at the pentagon crash said they saw a small plane, or a missile. Others said they saw a big plane, or a passenger plane, or a jet. But the official video and news footage showed none of that!

In court proceedings, especially as we normally see acted on TV, there is sometimes “video evidence”. Why would video evidence be better than people evidence, or more likely to convince a jury, or judge, and spectators in a courtroom, or at home watching the news? Isn’t a picture worth a thousand words? Wouldn’t a video be an excellent piece of evidence, unless it was doctored, or fake?

 On film actually, there are flashes of light before the WTC building goes down (no, 5, or no 7, maybe), which is explained by the 9-11 truther video. The video is actually called, Loose change, if I remember. There are several famous people in the movie, actors, and some experts who give explanations to the causes or possible causes of the two buildings that fell down, but shouldn’t have because the integrity of the buildings’ structure, the internal beams which are the main supports, wouldn’t be weakened enough by fires as seen in the videos, which left much of the building, even office furniture and a computer intact, and likely means “it wasn’t hot enough” to melt steel or in this case steel beams.  What is the conclusion of the film? Most people see this video, and believe as I do, after some clear evidence, that the WTC buildings were brought down with explosives, like those normally used to take down old, decrepit buildings. They do these “controlled explosions” so that the building they are bringing down will fall into itself, and not over something else, often because they are in the area of other buildings, like in New York.

If you see the film, let me know what was the reason for it to be called “Loose change”, and enjoy your popcorn, or the food you normally enjoy, while you watch this film because it is BOLD.

To whom it may concern:

This is a very sad story. I will let the police cover the whole truth first.
Canada is a great place for people to live. Cultural practices have to be checked; people allowed bringing in good cultural values & practices that enhance the Canadian main stream culture. We respect other cultural differences as long as there is no violation to the Canadian Law, Constitution, & Charter of Rights & freedoms.
In the Islamic Law such killing is called massacre.  
In the Muslim world what we see is the culture practices of Pagans, and tribal’s traditions which were before Islam. Pagan Arab used to kill born children specially females. Islam forbade that practice immediately & Prophet Muhammad was against it from day one, when he was the only Muslim on the Planet.
In The Quran Chapter 81- verse 8-9: “And when the girl who was buried alive is asked. For what sin she was killed”.  
 This is in the context of Judgment day, where the first order of business is to settle all murders.
Any well educated Muslims find life in Canada & the U.S. especially, and in the West generally more [tolerant of religion] than in most Muslims countr [ies]. Ignorant Muslims are a disgrace to the Faith, Muslims should not complain of being misunderstood any more. They better shape up & clean up their acts.
The fanatics & extremists are not happy anywhere - not in Saudi Arabia, & not in Britain.
My prayers are for the departed souls. 
[Amen, if they were Muslim victims of revenge, or honor killing.]


Okay, so this is like my own      To Whom It May Concern:

Not everyone is a fan of Richard Falk, apparently.
I have just recently started to read the many interesting interpretations of Law, (and so on) one can find on the internet.
Recently, I came across a news item about a pedophile guide writer in America. His freedom of speech is protected, until he sold a book to an undercover agent of the law in Florida, online, was arrested and is facing criminal charges, I guess...
The same time, I come across something which I had read before, but didn’t take much notice of. It read, (saved in a folder in my computer as a bitmap),
“Even the US has had enough with Falk.”, comments one person.
So I chuckled to think that although the US hasn’t had enough yet of pedophiles, or criminals (who may or may not be pedophiles as well) who it seems are protected under the law of the US to publish, advertise (and even sell?) a pedophile guide, but Joe American is tired of Richard Falk because he is a “Palestine lover”?
Disgusting, if it wasn’t hilarious… NO, IT really is DISGUSTING!