Wednesday, January 30, 2013

America, who can you trust?

CIA nominee was "knowledgeable"

Ayaan Hirsi Ali, trusts the CIA. She says this in so many words when she brings up a paper the CIA had written about the monies Saudi Arabia donates around the world, such as Islamic Dawa, health clinics, charity to the poor, building of wells, and other noble actions, to worthy causes.

Somehow she believes that Saudis are linking their donations to the needy to 'indoctrinate' poor Muslims to the beliefs of an 'extremist' sect.

Hirsi Ali seems to be another of those misguided Muslims who sees evil almost everywhere she looks. While I feel sorry for her early life experiences, and the fact that she has good reason to hate some of the things which Muslims do, she doesn't have the right, nor the proper outlook to tell other Muslims what to be fearful of e.g. real Muslims, and who to trust, e.g. non-Muslims.

I mentioned in a previous blogpost today that I will be blogging about Ayaan Hirsi in a coming blog, look forward to it in a couple of days, insha Allah.

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