Sunday, March 23, 2014

Two Hour Debate/Endless Comments

If Atheists believe they are the most intelligent beings in the universe, or at least in our world, then shouldn’t they be kinder, gentler, better, more patient, more open to discuss questions, than others? Why do many atheists seem to be the opposite, and unkind, rough, dishonest, laughing and making stupid comments about theists, closed-minded (they even believe stuff that isn’t in any science text book, yet they call theists stupid? E.g. many atheists make scientific mistakes in their arguments, one says we have “ape brains” another says something else stupid).

I thought evolution meant that you have gotten to a higher stage of development, but atheists often come off as less evolved; they come off as arrogant bastards a lot of the time. Just watch enough videos starring Richard Dawkins and you will see what arrogance is!

In their world, it seems there is no room for other opinions, which is at least dangerous and is also in my own mind, rather a closed-minded approach to understanding what possibilities exist; yes, they say they don’t believe God exists, but without disproving God, Who is after all beyond science's ability to end this debate.

They believe in natural selection, but so do many theists, even some Muslims - we can find points of agreement; if science is correct, why should I argue with it? If I understand the argument, and I see its truthfulness, then I can agree; it has nothing to do with trying to be ‘modern’ or sound smart, etc.

And most theists are not dishonest enough to lie about their beliefs. If modern Christians don’t believe in the story of Genesis is also their right; it doesn’t make them deceivers.

Muslims and Christians (have always in the past, said they) believe that God created Adam and Eve. That we didn’t evolve from a common ancestor with apes (or pre-apes).

The recent debate which created a lot of hype had some refreshing comments by people, who seemed more interested in creating an atmosphere of peace (for once) on the internet than arguing about who is right.

Theists know that atheists think they are living in the past, or are even stupid, so it is nice to see some of them at least acknowledge 'believers' as human beings (who have a right to their beliefs). After all, most of them are not hurting anybody.

Creation vs Evolution debate most recently had theists and atheists sharing common ground for once.
This is not the post I promised about Evolution, but I figured to share the post about the debate between Nye 'the science guy' and Ken Ham, who is (I'm assuming) a Christian and debater. 

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