“The animals of the Cambrian did not appear out of thin air. Animal fossils from before the Cambrian have been found. Roughly 575 million years ago, a strange group of animals known as Ediacarans lived in the oceans. Although, we don’t know much about the Ediacarans, the group may have included ancestors of the lineages that we identify from the Cambrian explosion.”
The problem with macroevolution is that we are again asked to imagine or “fill in” what happened between the layers, earlier and later. See the picture (called a "snapshot", lol)
Imagine, also that there were apes and all manner of animals and vegetation on earth and then God sent Adam and Eve down to earth to populate it; what do you think you would get to witness firsthand, or put in a slideshow today instead of Darwinian theory?
You would see some bugs, animals, plants, etc. in the first earlier snapshot, and some bugs animals plants, etc. and then people in the second later snapshot.
This means (in our story) that humans just "appeared".
But scientists want to find a ‘link’ or several ‘links’. If their version of events is true and human evolution is real, then there should be several species between man and apes.
Where are these life forms in the ‘record’? What does other evidence, besides philosophical, tell us about the theory of evolution?
There could be other reasons besides evolution, e.g. that there was inbreeding between species of apes or the hominoids (not including man, I mean).
Just because inbreeding doesn’t work today, (in some animals) doesn’t mean it couldn’t work before. But there are also plants which inbreed, or we can also reproduce hybrids of plants and vegetables in the lab. And animals, such as dogs can be inbreed to produce “pedigrees” and or even mutts, if we want. We can’t reproduce the results of billions of years ago, to know what actually happened.
What is the proof that the “distinct body forms” are a different species? Scientists have a difficult time categorizing different forms into species. Sometimes, they just don’t know if something is a distinct species or not because it seems the lines can get blurred.
“Figuring out the real story behind the fossil pattern is the sort of problem that keeps paleontologists up all night!”
Indeed. And the rest of us, too.
A cat-dog is born!! ; A new species, just pops out of nowhere. Is this true or a fake?
Don’t believe me? (Just “google it”).
But Scientists are only capable of hypotheses, not indisputable proof. For example, the following quote illustrates this quite aptly:
‘As scientists gather even more data, they may revise these particular hypotheses, rearranging some of the branches on the tree. For example, evidence discovered in the last 50 years suggests that birds are dinosaurs, which required adjustment to several “vertebrate twigs.”’
What is "punctuated evolution"?
It is a model of evolutionary change in which differentiation happens rapidly (in some cases, such as when some members are separated from the group).
(The same thing can happen with languages or religions too, which is how we got “Finnglish” and cults, and pop rock, then it became just “Pop”.)
Could also be called “peripatric speciation”, or linked to that.
“No fossils representing transitional forms are preserved because of their relatively small population size, the rapid pace of change, and their isolated location.”
It’s a good story. After all, we can’t prove for or against something for which there is no eye witness.
It’s like if a thief is accused of stealing a car (a felony) but no one saw him, such crimes happened a lot before CTV cameras.
It’s just lucky for the evolutionists that this is the case, “no smoking gun”, no witnesses, just some dead bodies!
“The isolated population expands into its past range. Larger population size and a stable environment make evolutionary change less likely. The formerly isolated branch of the mollusk lineage may out-compete their ancestral population, causing it to go extinct.”
As long as there's no iceage we'll be fine...
Okay, so you haven’t seen your cousins in ages! You are very happy to finally meet one summer for a family reunion. Turns out, your cousins are tall, dark and handsome, and you’re a scrawny American, descendent (of the “Vikings”, no less) but you inexplicably have your father’s brown eyes, and unfortunately, you also have your mother’s big nose and dirty blond hair. Oh well. The Good News is that your cousins are old enough to take you to bars and sneak you in without legal ID, because they are incredibly handsome and deceptive. (Everyone knows good looks are a sign of intelligence; look at the difference between stupid pugs and German Shepherds, its astronomical!)
By way of deception (the name of a book, too) you are able to drink the night away, and end up with a big hangover, and because you have never had a drink in your life you end up looking like *@*#! (You might also have accidentally fallen down half a flight of stairs).
Evolution is great! (Huh??)
Being static might not be as great as it is cut out to be in the animal kingdom however!
Dictionary – Stasis: remaining the same, while the population which left rapidly changes (speciation leads to rapid evolutionary changes and usually (or might) make someone more “fit” and therefore a “survivor” (kickass).
Expansion: changing rapidly so you are "kickass".
So, there seem to be a lot of philosophical arguments for evolution. (C’est la vie!).
“Evolution appears to happen in sharp jumps associated with speciation events.
We observe similar patterns in the fossil records of many organisms. For example, the fossil records of certain foraminiferans (single-celled protists with shells) are consistent with a punctuated pattern. “
But sometimes, evolution takes billions of years (according to the scientists who study evolution and others who maybe don’t have any real ideas of their own about anything particularly.)
On the same page you can see a photo, or “scanning electron micrograph of foraminiferans” (of the creature.)
Look like anyone you know?
Fossils are not alive, or even contain DNA??
I’m still trying to figure out this one. See, we have the above “scanning electron micrograph” for one example, and fossil record (lots of different fossils, which sometimes appear to look some-thing like earlier forms of the same animal, which are however very different species, due to “speciation”, but where is the actual DNA evidence?
If you check, you share DNA with your parents, and even your close cousins.
How can we get DNA samples from fossils which are dead for more than billions or millions of years, and how do we get DNA, or ‘something’ which can be called proof of the evolution of animals a long time ago?
I’m collecting more evidence for this from websites around the world (of atheism). (Specifically, next time, I’ll try to present something on “maps” of some kind and maybe the "tree of life" [Not one we have in Bahrain, which is just an old tree; okay, it's very old... and quite beloved. Admittedly, some people almost come for pilgrimages to see it and sit in it’s thousand year old shade, or (some others) pull it’s branches and write graffiti on it… sigh.])
It is lots of work, I tell you. But I’m sure I will eventually break the “code” or find the “Rosetta stone”.
I don't think natural selection and evolution is the same thing:
I am not convinced that natural selection has anything to do with evolution. It is just a process by itself which ensures the survival of the fittest, without the actual evolution of species into other species.
For example, the “clads” mentioned on the website, suggests that species differentiate over time, especially if given the opportunity, or right environment.
YUCK! (Two species, one differentiates into 400 species, another differentiates into 1,000,000s of ‘em!)
YIKES! How many new species of bugs, and where are they going to live eventually?
Not to worry, it seems this is an old story, happened at least 50,000 years ago, and it means you are not seeing any more new species, hopefully, because we know that the earth is dying!
There really is a silver lining for every dark cloud!
Take heart:
“Although biologists have different standards for defining an adaptive radiation, it generally means an event in which a lineage rapidly diversifies, with the newly formed lineages evolving different adaptations. The rapid diversification of mammals shown below may constitute an adaptive radiation.”
(Like the rest of the world, scientists can’t agree on anything.)
“The cause of this extinction is the subject of much debate, but of equal significance is that it set the stage for a massive diversification of taxa that filled the empty niches.”
So, some guy moves out of his apt. (lost his job or killed himself) and you can move in, and then you decide to have a bunch of kids, not really rug ‘rats’, but they are kind of naughty. You can’t blame them for being bad sometimes, because your accommodation is really not fit for a bigger family. But you thought it was a good idea at the time (when your family suddenly burgeoned before you got laid off, lol)
The same scenario happens when immigrants that no one wants or even really cares about, come over from ‘their home’ in the war torn neighborhoods of the Middle East and Israel (Israel is making settlements, so sometimes Palestinians’ homes are usurped and made a part of Israel, a real land-grabbing son of a *$#@ ! [Who only want to survive!]?) And Africa. That’s okay; there is enough room on mother earth for all the species of plants, insects, animals, and even humans.
Unfortunately, many countries that used to be very large are now a lot smaller. Over many centuries new nations have popped up. They are smaller than countries of yesteryear, but the populations of “boat people” who arrive daily don’t realize this!
Maybe all the internet ads displaying a greencard lottery are the real culprit?
Rage against the net, not God, if you must.
So, apart from less land for more people, and less jobs for more people, we have more people who are migrating. This will eventually lead to “diversification” (you will leave your current job, or lose it, and move to another job in a different field, or you will DIE or become ‘obsolete’ and search for your meals at the local soup kitchen, not online. Rates of suicide have steadily risen all over the world, MAYBE. What could be the reason? Overpopulation, underachievement, overtaxing, “your application is under evaluation”, or ALL OF THE ABOVE.
TheMtnMan From Tennessee via Google+
2 days ago
An open-minded atheist. Yes, I know, it seems an oxymoron, but just listen.
Bill Barney
1 day ago
If there were any evidence that proved or even supported evolution it would not be magic. However the facts are that the fossil record and scientific experimentation does not support evolutionary theory. To compound this the theory its self purports that a simple single cell became trapped in a system that gained in information, complexity and order as it perpetuates. Opposite of all other systems that exist which loose information complexity and order as they perpetuate. This is what make evolution MAGIC!
UnCustom Mary
1 day ago
+Hiarhu LOL 1. What is scientific about evolution? Evolution is not " observable" or provable, it is pure speculation. 2. What evidence? Where are the trillions of fossils of true transitional forms that surely occurred over and over through the billions of years of process from brainless bacteria to intelligence? and there should still be thousands occurring right now. Critics often say that creationism is simply religion, whereas evolution-ism is based on science. The Bible states in Genesis I that all creatures reproduce “after their kind” (no change to another kind, i.e., no transitional forms). So the complete absence of transitional forms in the fossil record supports creationism. Is this scientific evidence for creationism, or isn’t it?
3. We do not believe in magic or fairy tales All Fairy Tales start with Once upon a time in a land far away, a long time ago there was....just like The Theory Of Evolution.
4 Our book starts of with 1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
2 The same was in the beginning with God.
3 All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.
4 In him was life; and the life was the light of men.
5 And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.
Then just last year they discovered.....
The problem with macroevolution is that we are again asked to imagine or “fill in” what happened between the layers, earlier and later. See the picture (called a "snapshot", lol)
Imagine, also that there were apes and all manner of animals and vegetation on earth and then God sent Adam and Eve down to earth to populate it; what do you think you would get to witness firsthand, or put in a slideshow today instead of Darwinian theory?
You would see some bugs, animals, plants, etc. in the first earlier snapshot, and some bugs animals plants, etc. and then people in the second later snapshot.
This means (in our story) that humans just "appeared".
But scientists want to find a ‘link’ or several ‘links’. If their version of events is true and human evolution is real, then there should be several species between man and apes.
Where are these life forms in the ‘record’? What does other evidence, besides philosophical, tell us about the theory of evolution?
Why do distinct forms arise?
There could be other reasons besides evolution, e.g. that there was inbreeding between species of apes or the hominoids (not including man, I mean).
Just because inbreeding doesn’t work today, (in some animals) doesn’t mean it couldn’t work before. But there are also plants which inbreed, or we can also reproduce hybrids of plants and vegetables in the lab. And animals, such as dogs can be inbreed to produce “pedigrees” and or even mutts, if we want. We can’t reproduce the results of billions of years ago, to know what actually happened.
What is the proof that the “distinct body forms” are a different species? Scientists have a difficult time categorizing different forms into species. Sometimes, they just don’t know if something is a distinct species or not because it seems the lines can get blurred.
“Figuring out the real story behind the fossil pattern is the sort of problem that keeps paleontologists up all night!”
Indeed. And the rest of us, too.
A cat-dog is born!! ; A new species, just pops out of nowhere. Is this true or a fake?
Don’t believe me? (Just “google it”).
But Scientists are only capable of hypotheses, not indisputable proof. For example, the following quote illustrates this quite aptly:
‘As scientists gather even more data, they may revise these particular hypotheses, rearranging some of the branches on the tree. For example, evidence discovered in the last 50 years suggests that birds are dinosaurs, which required adjustment to several “vertebrate twigs.”’
What is "punctuated evolution"?
It is a model of evolutionary change in which differentiation happens rapidly (in some cases, such as when some members are separated from the group).
(The same thing can happen with languages or religions too, which is how we got “Finnglish” and cults, and pop rock, then it became just “Pop”.)
Could also be called “peripatric speciation”, or linked to that.
“No fossils representing transitional forms are preserved because of their relatively small population size, the rapid pace of change, and their isolated location.”
It’s a good story. After all, we can’t prove for or against something for which there is no eye witness.
It’s like if a thief is accused of stealing a car (a felony) but no one saw him, such crimes happened a lot before CTV cameras.
It’s just lucky for the evolutionists that this is the case, “no smoking gun”, no witnesses, just some dead bodies!
Switching Gears: Things are really heating up!
“The isolated population expands into its past range. Larger population size and a stable environment make evolutionary change less likely. The formerly isolated branch of the mollusk lineage may out-compete their ancestral population, causing it to go extinct.”
As long as there's no iceage we'll be fine...
Okay, so you haven’t seen your cousins in ages! You are very happy to finally meet one summer for a family reunion. Turns out, your cousins are tall, dark and handsome, and you’re a scrawny American, descendent (of the “Vikings”, no less) but you inexplicably have your father’s brown eyes, and unfortunately, you also have your mother’s big nose and dirty blond hair. Oh well. The Good News is that your cousins are old enough to take you to bars and sneak you in without legal ID, because they are incredibly handsome and deceptive. (Everyone knows good looks are a sign of intelligence; look at the difference between stupid pugs and German Shepherds, its astronomical!)
By way of deception (the name of a book, too) you are able to drink the night away, and end up with a big hangover, and because you have never had a drink in your life you end up looking like *@*#! (You might also have accidentally fallen down half a flight of stairs).
Evolution is great! (Huh??)
Being static might not be as great as it is cut out to be in the animal kingdom however!
Dictionary – Stasis: remaining the same, while the population which left rapidly changes (speciation leads to rapid evolutionary changes and usually (or might) make someone more “fit” and therefore a “survivor” (kickass).
Expansion: changing rapidly so you are "kickass".
So, there seem to be a lot of philosophical arguments for evolution. (C’est la vie!).
Mollusks, and what the *&^% ! is that??!
“Evolution appears to happen in sharp jumps associated with speciation events.
We observe similar patterns in the fossil records of many organisms. For example, the fossil records of certain foraminiferans (single-celled protists with shells) are consistent with a punctuated pattern. “
But sometimes, evolution takes billions of years (according to the scientists who study evolution and others who maybe don’t have any real ideas of their own about anything particularly.)
On the same page you can see a photo, or “scanning electron micrograph of foraminiferans” (of the creature.)
Look like anyone you know?
Fossils are not alive, or even contain DNA??
I’m still trying to figure out this one. See, we have the above “scanning electron micrograph” for one example, and fossil record (lots of different fossils, which sometimes appear to look some-thing like earlier forms of the same animal, which are however very different species, due to “speciation”, but where is the actual DNA evidence?
If you check, you share DNA with your parents, and even your close cousins.
How can we get DNA samples from fossils which are dead for more than billions or millions of years, and how do we get DNA, or ‘something’ which can be called proof of the evolution of animals a long time ago?
I’m collecting more evidence for this from websites around the world (of atheism). (Specifically, next time, I’ll try to present something on “maps” of some kind and maybe the "tree of life" [Not one we have in Bahrain, which is just an old tree; okay, it's very old... and quite beloved. Admittedly, some people almost come for pilgrimages to see it and sit in it’s thousand year old shade, or (some others) pull it’s branches and write graffiti on it… sigh.])
It is lots of work, I tell you. But I’m sure I will eventually break the “code” or find the “Rosetta stone”.
I don't think natural selection and evolution is the same thing:
I am not convinced that natural selection has anything to do with evolution. It is just a process by itself which ensures the survival of the fittest, without the actual evolution of species into other species.
For example, the “clads” mentioned on the website, suggests that species differentiate over time, especially if given the opportunity, or right environment.
YUCK! (Two species, one differentiates into 400 species, another differentiates into 1,000,000s of ‘em!)
YIKES! How many new species of bugs, and where are they going to live eventually?
Not to worry, it seems this is an old story, happened at least 50,000 years ago, and it means you are not seeing any more new species, hopefully, because we know that the earth is dying!
There really is a silver lining for every dark cloud!
Take heart:
“Although biologists have different standards for defining an adaptive radiation, it generally means an event in which a lineage rapidly diversifies, with the newly formed lineages evolving different adaptations. The rapid diversification of mammals shown below may constitute an adaptive radiation.”
(Like the rest of the world, scientists can’t agree on anything.)
You're special, your niche:
“The cause of this extinction is the subject of much debate, but of equal significance is that it set the stage for a massive diversification of taxa that filled the empty niches.”
So, some guy moves out of his apt. (lost his job or killed himself) and you can move in, and then you decide to have a bunch of kids, not really rug ‘rats’, but they are kind of naughty. You can’t blame them for being bad sometimes, because your accommodation is really not fit for a bigger family. But you thought it was a good idea at the time (when your family suddenly burgeoned before you got laid off, lol)
The same scenario happens when immigrants that no one wants or even really cares about, come over from ‘their home’ in the war torn neighborhoods of the Middle East and Israel (Israel is making settlements, so sometimes Palestinians’ homes are usurped and made a part of Israel, a real land-grabbing son of a *$#@ ! [Who only want to survive!]?) And Africa. That’s okay; there is enough room on mother earth for all the species of plants, insects, animals, and even humans.
Unfortunately, many countries that used to be very large are now a lot smaller. Over many centuries new nations have popped up. They are smaller than countries of yesteryear, but the populations of “boat people” who arrive daily don’t realize this!
Maybe all the internet ads displaying a greencard lottery are the real culprit?
Rage against the net, not God, if you must.
So, apart from less land for more people, and less jobs for more people, we have more people who are migrating. This will eventually lead to “diversification” (you will leave your current job, or lose it, and move to another job in a different field, or you will DIE or become ‘obsolete’ and search for your meals at the local soup kitchen, not online. Rates of suicide have steadily risen all over the world, MAYBE. What could be the reason? Overpopulation, underachievement, overtaxing, “your application is under evaluation”, or ALL OF THE ABOVE.
TheMtnMan From Tennessee via Google+
2 days ago
An open-minded atheist. Yes, I know, it seems an oxymoron, but just listen.
Bill Barney
1 day ago
If there were any evidence that proved or even supported evolution it would not be magic. However the facts are that the fossil record and scientific experimentation does not support evolutionary theory. To compound this the theory its self purports that a simple single cell became trapped in a system that gained in information, complexity and order as it perpetuates. Opposite of all other systems that exist which loose information complexity and order as they perpetuate. This is what make evolution MAGIC!
UnCustom Mary
1 day ago
+Hiarhu LOL 1. What is scientific about evolution? Evolution is not " observable" or provable, it is pure speculation. 2. What evidence? Where are the trillions of fossils of true transitional forms that surely occurred over and over through the billions of years of process from brainless bacteria to intelligence? and there should still be thousands occurring right now. Critics often say that creationism is simply religion, whereas evolution-ism is based on science. The Bible states in Genesis I that all creatures reproduce “after their kind” (no change to another kind, i.e., no transitional forms). So the complete absence of transitional forms in the fossil record supports creationism. Is this scientific evidence for creationism, or isn’t it?
3. We do not believe in magic or fairy tales All Fairy Tales start with Once upon a time in a land far away, a long time ago there was....just like The Theory Of Evolution.
4 Our book starts of with 1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
2 The same was in the beginning with God.
3 All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.
4 In him was life; and the life was the light of men.
5 And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.
Then just last year they discovered.....
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