Islam and Muslims Are Facing Racism, Sexism, and Islamophobia.
Ben Affleck takes a lot of
heat for saying that comments by Harris or others are racist and is quickly
dismissed because he is an actor.
The fact is, I argued
recently in the YouTube section of the video posted on someone’s channel, that
it is racism when people say things like “go home” and they are assuming that
the Muslim they are speaking to is “from Africa or the Middle East” or call
someone a “camel jockey” or ask a Muslim his origin, where he was born, or tell
him he’s “backwards” or a “f---tard”, and so on. It doesn’t even matter if the
Muslims are born in the west or not, or what their background, ethnicity, race
or nationality is. The speech is almost always ‘racist’ or has racist undertones.
If the Muslim answers that he is born in the West, he is further insulted or
threatened, and told that he is a member of an enemy camp.
I would rather we call this “Islamophobia” but
there are those out there who also say this isn’t even a thing. But do such
non-Muslim extremists really fear Muslims or do they fear Islam? Or do they
just hate both Islam and Muslims? Whether or not they are truly racist is not
the most important question, but whether the system in Western or European
countries can properly deal with Islamophobia. Will non-Muslim states continue
sweeping the problem under the carpet?
Muslim women are also
treated less than kindly. Feelings for them range from pity to disgust and can
be described as misogyny. Women are discussed in terms of their gender almost
exclusively; they are often called “cunts” or “whores”. Muslim men receive
sexually explicit insults as well, but it seems to be the case that women
receive predominantly sexist comments. Of course, many ignorant Muslims also
use such insults right back on the internet. This is a truly unfortunate
situation, volatile and an emergency.
It doesn’t matter if she’s
a neuro-scientist for God’s sake! Muslim women often get questioned or insulted
because of their faith; even they say they are harassed daily in public. I was
shocked by a video in which a woman wearing western dress with a veil, minding
her own business, was knocked onto the pavement and then she lay unconscious,
with no one to protect her, and possibly permanently affected; definitely the
probability of a fear of further attacks will remain with her for a long time.
Did the person attacking her believe she was a foreigner? Or did they just want
to show her that they hate all Muslims? Did she deserve to be targeted? She
didn’t appear to be a delinquent or a threat.
Are Muslim women generally
regarded with such contempt or fear? Is there proof they are a growing danger
to society, as many reports by some media outlets seem to suggest; such stories
as “sleepers” and the “indoctrination” of families, seems to be a reality in
some people’s minds, though it is likely much more true to say that “Jihad
brides” or whatever they are called are not something we should be worried
about in the West. Whatever the impetus for the choice young women have made to
go join ISIS or other groups, the treatment of these women in reporting is
generally less sympathetic and more hateful. But they are more a danger to
themselves than to the West, possibly they are used or volunteer for suicide
missions. Possibly no-one in the echelons of power really cares if they are killing other
Muslims, so let’s put that aside.
It is rather obvious that
“Jihad brides” is both derogatory to Muslim women and politically motivated,
because it suggests that these women who are supposedly going to join a “jihad”
are actually being used by someone, their husband or a group, and don’t know
what they are doing or it suggests that they have been brainwashed. The term
Jihad bride, usually in quotes, insinuates a master-slave relationship or
sexual exploitation on top of the usual accusations (e.g. Muslims are stupid
and backwards or Islam is a dangerous ideology and Muslims are dangerous
One such suspected terrorist
took a flight to Turkey and then it is said that she joined ISIS, but where is
actual proof of that? (I’m not saying it isn’t possible, but proof is something
that we definitely need to see when people’s lives are being scrutinized and
Muslims raked over the coals for it). The facts show that governments and male
dominated society or institutions care less about women’s rights and more about
domination or securing economical, political or geographical gains. (In the
case of powerful men, those who have taken their control to the extreme, they
seek sexual favors from women - Bill Clinton, JFK and other well known public
figures have done so in the past). The rights of women worldwide are not
upheld; women are often living deplorable lives, a brute existence and cannot
see a way out for themselves or their children. Western women are still
undervalued, treated as sex objects and denied equal rights or sometimes even
justice in criminal trials. The same is true for visible minorities.
Finally, I want to also
point out that Harris says many inflammatory and frankly ridiculous things.
Islam is not “more violent” than other religions, for example, no matter how
often it is said or by who. Million of Muslims in the world who live peacefully
while practicing their religion, or claiming to be Muslims even if showing less conviction or perhaps less faith
(this isn’t really the subject of debate/arguments) are still accused of
extremism or ascribing to an extremist ideology. The truth is far from what
Maher and Harris insist about Islam is reality.
Yes, by all means look at
history and look at the rise of extremist groups, but don’t blame Islam for
something fairly recent and possibly even, in the case of some extremist groups
a creation of any government intent on destroying the fabric of Muslim societies.
The likes of Maher or
Harris or others who think like them say that Muslims must stop defending
verses of the Quran, or that we should not support Jihad no matter what. It is
very dangerous when governments, let alone private citizens or popular program
hosts (their lobbying is taken seriously, whether the verses in question are
understood in their proper light or not), begin to dictate what we can believe,
whether or not we are peaceful or not. There is a real danger that “Big Brother”
is poised to take away even more of our freedoms, which began with the banning
of the face veil, head scarf (in France, or in government buildings or
Universities, even in Turkey) and burqa, what they call “religious symbols”.
I’m afraid to ask - to what extent are they willing to go to protect their “Western
values”. Guantanamo Bay is still in our recent memory, an example of what the
West is capable of.
Look forward to my next
short post on another topic, coming soon.
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