Friday, June 1, 2018

Nate Talks To You, Is Wrong About Islam

Adam Saleh made a video about miracles. Nate Talks down to You, lol, made a reaction video mocking and slandering Islam, the Quran, and Allah.
Sure ppl see things in clouds, etc. That isn't weird. Its normal. And so what if religious ppl see more of those images, its not a crime is it? why all the hate, Nate Likes to Hate, aka
Nate Talks Down To You... aka Nate Is Not Great!
I call some of the things in these videos 'signs', not 'miracles'. For example, trees which seem to resemble Arabic words, or the 'kalima' (la ilaha il Allah)
BC a real miracle is something God gave the Holy Prophets. And sometimes karama, or miraculous things do happen to other ppl too, but much less frequently than many ppl see images...
but again, does this disprove Islam in any way? NO.
So, there are saints, and maybe some great things have happened to them too, like what happened to the prophets or their companions, but they are still human beings.
But the Quran is a miracle, and has many 'signs' (the same word in Arabic also means 'verses') which you can examine for yourself...
Unfortunately for Nate Talks Down To YOU, he doesn't know how to read to understand the Quran.
He is just an arrogant or uneducated youtuber like many others today.
It's not extreme to mock a Muslim youtuber in a reaction, but don't hate on #Islam or #Allah (SWT), moron.
Whats the point of freedom of #religion in the west if ppl can't share their views without being ridiculed, attacked all the time, day in and day out? #justsaying
Interestingly, his comments section has a few intelligent responses, which of course he completely ignores.
How come suddenly @7:00 ? minutes, Nate says, Islam is closest to Nazism, bc Hitler praised Islam? So what if #Hitler did; how is Islam responsible for Hitler's musings... instead, why doesn't Nate talk
about the positive things other famous ppl have said about Islam; and then he even says HH which stands for Heil Hitler, represents the number 88 ...
lol, thats hilarious... that he tells Muslims not to talk about the signs they see, but then he goes on to say 88 = Hitler and thats ISLAM!! (bc Hitler said something about Islam 1300 yrs (rounded off) 
after the Quran was revealed)
I get he's proving a point, sort of,  but I think its not at all fair to 'conjoin' Islam and Nazism.
I myself completely abhor any racism and hate for others to hate on Jews or anyone bc of their race or creed, as do many sincere Muslims, and hate or xenophobia is always unacceptable; hate although
not in short supply anywhwere, including among Muslims, which I do say is definitley not Islam's fault or part of islamic teachings.
I have a couple videos about why I think Islam never hates on Jews but that the Quran, hadiths and athaar (stories about other events (or ppl) not narrated about the prophet or during the prophets lifetime) are a "historical record", which tells what happened during the Prophet's, SAWS, lifetime
and after during the reign of the four caliphs, RA, and so on.

Another #antisocialmedia wannabe who I dont need to obsess over :(
@7:05 is ...
in his video ...
@7:45 the Hitler reference...
Hitler didnt like France... etc
You can interpret, sure, so why hate on Islam. Does your opposition to other ideas (or beliefs) automatically require an autoresponse (hate and hate speech) to get you up in the morning!
The holy prophet didn't write the Quran or check how many times words appeared, but Muslims later did that. #Muhammad couldn't read or write, Nate
If I go purchase and read Mein Khamf am I a #nazi now... i don't think that's fair to assume.
Early in the video, Nate makes fun of Allah, which makes me very angry with Nate. But I can 'deal with it', bc Nate is a moron. Nobody with intelligence would believe anything he says, right... am I right... I hope so!
God help humanity if a majority of non Muslims, atheists or others are anything like #NateTalksToYou in real life.
Rain is caused by the water cycle, which is how Allah sends rain, stupid! Muslims have read the verses, but you haven't (or you're lying about them)
@ 0:40 min :(( Nate Talks Down To You, tells us this is the verse that proves God sends rain (and that we are to assume, that rain isn't explained in the Quran or why doesn't he further search the Quran for references #idk  OH, maybe bc Nate dishonest, like so many other youtubers hating
on Islam)
Yes, its a sign from God, in the Quran, in Chapter 39 Verse 21 you can find out about rain (or more accurately, part of the rain cycle, whereas another verse deals more with rain clouds and wind, just a little further in the post) For more reading, this information is provided in detail and
explained with diagrams of a water cycle, in the book This Is The Truth, or in another book,
The Quran & Modern Science, by Dr Zakir Naik, for Discover Islam, where you can learn about islam at the Islamic Centre, in that book, four pages with footnotes,
diagrams and the relevant descriptions from the #Quran (pages 26 - 29... very scientifically accurate!!) explain the water cycle, and the simple to comprehend verses so readers can get
an idea about how accurate the Quran is about this interesting topic...
#ZakirNaik tells us that the water cycle was first described by Bernard Palissy, I assume he's French or Belgian or something, in 1588, described, how clouds form over large bodies of water, and move inland, condense where the precipitation falls... etc.
Also, Chapter 23 Verse 18 says the rain soaks the earth, and is drained off... and thats not a contradiction with science as far as I know...
If it were a contradiction, that would mean the Quran was not accurate on this point... BUT THATS NOT THE CASE ;)
The description in the Quran about rain which Nate shares with his viewers, is this one:
Chapter 39 verse 21, reads, 'seest thou not that Allah sends down rain from the sky, and leads it through springs in the earth... Then he causes to grow therewith produce of various colours.'
Rivers and springs overflow their banks if there's too much rain; land will absorb only so much rain, which is why floods occur. The rivers also send rain water back to the oceans, so the cycle continues!!
This is not in contradiction to what is said about rain by anybody in the Muslim world, who explains the Quran with any understanding. Nor is it a fairy tale. STOP WITH THE LIES, PPL!
The reason some verses (like the one Nate chose deliberatley, with intent) merely tell the reader about the blessings of rain, that it causes plants to grow, is to remind us of our blessings so we may be grateful to God. Even the prophets were always thanking God, and He had forgiven them their sins!
Muslims can appreciate this, but maybe Nate, whose an atheist i guess, doesn't... Live and let live man.
Just bc you hate religions, is no reason to take the Quran so lightly.
Chapter 15 Verse 22, a more specific example of the actual cause of rain, reads, "And we send the fecundating winds, then cause the rain to descend from the sky therewith providing you with water (in abundance)"
These very descriptive verses don't merely mention anything as vague as God being the source of everything, but instruct us about the water cycle #fyi Nate Talks Too Much...
God does withhold rain, or send rain to different parts of the earth, but Nate can neither prove or disprove this... just denying that God does send rain isn't proof against God's existence or even a proof against the
Quran #ijit

However God did reveal the rain cycle in the Quran, which Nate is lying about when he laughs off what is a real fact that can be checked... why does he check some facts, like what Adam Saleh claims in his video about 7 miracles,
but not check the Quran and read us the verse about the rain cycle... he is dishonest is why...

Further more, in the book written by the convert to Islam, Maurice Bucaille a french scientist!! decades before the more recent publications I just mentionned, the water cycle, and many more amazing facts are explained for laymen.
In fact Maurice Bucaille writes about the Pharoah, and researched many other amazing facts related to the Bible, The Quran and Science, which is also the title of his book.
Just as an example, comparing the Bible and Quran, about the story of Noah, the flood in the Bible is Worldwide, which many ppl say never happened, but a regional flood described in the Quran is much more likely #justsaying
The youtuber also hates on the words used to explain the concept of the sky to ancient Arabs who probably wouldn't understand modern explanations of the sky.
God used whatever words He chose - thats not to say they are in contradiction to science.
BUT where does the word "tent" appear in the Quran, in reference to the sky, Nate... I don't think (in fact I know) the Arabic word "KHAIMA" is ever (never) used about the sky NATE, you liar!! If anyone can show me where the word which is "tent" is used  to mean "sky" or atmosphere or anything, let me know with a clear reference to an islamic source or text. But the Quran doesn't say such a thing!!
The sky may be described as a canopy, or a ceiling but not a tent! ... while the Quran tells us that the universe is expanding! In fact its the Earth which is described as spread out or a carpet, or even a cradle... and the universe is described as expanding.
I blogged about this before. It's not wrong. Doesn't the earth look flat to the human eye, when we look at it? But YES there are also further descriptions of our planet, and verses describe the mountains as pegs, which is not to say they are literally pegs like tent pegs but perform a similar
function to stabilizing the earth, just as tent pegs are used to hold up a tent... the mountains stabilize the earth and are grounded deep in the earth, not as much visible above the earth... similar to how the larger part of icebergs is below the surface of the water.
Mountains are also compared to the large clouds, some of which are very great! SubhanAllah.
Why do we have to assume, like Nate, that every word is to be taken quite literally. IN FACT thats not what we do when we read the Quran or other islamic texts. NOT everything is literal.
for example, when the people used to say, May my mother and father be sacrificed for you, they were not literally offering to sacrifice their parents for the person they said this to...
The prophet Muhammad had also said it, and his parents both died before he reached puberty!!
There are many beautiful descriptions in the Quran. The miracle of the Quran is after all its beauty.
It isn't a science text.
While there are signs in it of a scientific nature, that doesn't mean we focus on the scientific "miracles" to the exclusion of the Quran's beauty and power.
It cannot be reproduced. There is a challenge to non Muslims to write something like the Quran, but they have not done it... where are the great Arabic writers who can imitate the style and genius of the Quran, or its rhythm and beauty? In the past, they failed to bring a book or even one chapter equal to the Quran in beauty or style.
Some ppl ignorantly compare Shakespeare or English poetry to the Quran.
Even Arab poets have failed to meet this longstanding challenge so who can compare others prose or verse to the words of Allah.

So, Nate says, even the word DOME describes the sky... this is an ad hominem/synonym attack on free speech of Muslims... well, when you see diagrams of the earth, there are layers (atmosphere, stratosphere, and what have you) and we always picture it like a dome. So what...
I don't see why this is a big deal for him... but I dont know again, what he's talking about (because I haven't read a translation of the meanings where the sky is a "dome"... is he reading a dictionary. Hmmmm. #youtubers 
It is possibly a literary tool which helps with visualization, comparing the sky (OR SUN) with other things is use of METAPHOR... on the other hand, I myself believe there's nothing strange about the idea that the curvature of the earth IS ACCOMPANIED BY A DOME SHAPED ATMOSPHERE - simply, the pull of gravity means that the atmosphere also would be like a halo. Unlike the moon's gravity, which I learned something about yesterday, the earth's gravity is uniform or basically the same all over the planet.
The moon's gravity is greater in some parts than others, unlike the earth, according to what I saw in a "scientific" video.
Due to its spinning however, the earth is somewhat egg shaped, not perfectly spherical.
BTW, watching Nate's videos is really torture, nothing like the 'torture porn' he is falsely claiming is in the Quran...
Birds being killed and brought back to life to live out the rest of their natural lives. And maybe dying a natural death or being gobbled up by some snake or other (larger) bird, isn't all its cracked up to be, is it?
I think just like in the hadith about the Prophet Muhammad which tells how the animals for sacrifice, the hadi, were lining up to be sacrificed for the sake of Allah, is an example of what is the true natural relationship of man and animal, the relationship that gives man supremacyover other creatures,
but also instills in man reverance for the sanctity of life, thankfulness for God's blessings upon him, and teaches mercy, because animals will die anyway, and what's wrong with making use of them (because God put animals on earth for benefit, not only to mow grass or reproduce). The difference between people who claim eating meat is cruel, and those who eat meat and are thankful is that most ppl who eat meat probably do have a greater sense of thankfulness. IMHO.
Vegans are often overly sensitive ppl, who ironically think that not eating meat prevents cruelty, but that's not true. Cruelty is and always will be part of life for all creatures. That there are ppl who can't accept that is not even worth five minutes of time to try and understand.
"If a deer dies in the forest does anybody hear", is one of  my own quotes, which I like a lot. I rant about vegans on Twitter sometimes :)
If ppl want to be vegan themselves doesn't bother me in the least, but that they think it's their mission or duty to prevent others from enjoying their lives eating what they want to, maybe that needs a psyche evaluation not a nice chat about why veganism is 'good for you'?

If you dont like it, just dont agree with it. But trying to disprove something that is a description bc it was revealed for desert dwellers 1440 yrs ago, is just being contrary for no good reason.
We can desccribe the pathways as highways, doesn't mean they had highways like what exist today (hwy 101 or hwy 411...  or the King Fahad Causeway ;))
YES its exactly the point NATE that ppl then wouldn't comprehend how the atmosphere works... and it wasnt relevant much. BC there was no way they would invent space travel any time soon. There wasn't even plumbing back then...
So, yes, "some ppl may argue... " is why I do write blog posts and make the occasional video about something someone has said. Thats called freedom of speech and can be educational, too.
Chapter 81, Verse 11 or verse 1 (checking reference) "When the sky is stripped away"
In a hadith Qudsi, the earth is described as looking like a flat loaf of brown or reddish baked bread... did the Arabs assume the earth is bread, or God will turn it into bread... lol. NO...
PPL should stop taking all the scriptures literally, even if they are said over and over again... the Quran is not claiming to teach science to ppl. It is a reminder first and foremost.
You can argue this and that, but it doesn't amount to anything... unless you have evidence. Just like you can't prove or disprove heaven and hell. You can't prove or disprove that the Qura says in all seriousness that the sky is a dome (like the roof at the Superdome) or is literally a canopy.
Muslims have not understood it that way... througout centuries, I doubt very much that they actually commented that earth is a carpet or the sky is a tent. OR that God is literally on a throne, even is not accepted nor is it taught by true scholars who understand that God is not to be compared to humans
or His creatures. He is not a male or female, nor a father or a mother...
Even the earth, while described as a mother earth, by native Americans, is not literally our mother. This is why we are told our mother and father are Adam and Eve.

Yes, the womb will speak, the thigh will speak, or the shoelaces will speak (which probably has happened - in a spy thriller, at least, or in a real spy operation!) it isn't for us to know how or when these things will occur. By the time some of the signs of Allah do happen, they will be so dramatic, that noone who testifies to the oneness of God at that time, will be permitted to accept Islam, bc the time for repentance will have already lapsed!!
Ppl should stop joking about a serious issue, their own salvation, and try to understand what is really written in the Quran, why it is significant, and why ppl are embracing Islam despite that many others think the Quran is a backwards book written by man.

This is serious, so the verse about the sky being rent asunder, or stripped away, isnt a joke either... God can do anything, and He can destroy anything if He chooses to do so, in any manner He chooses to do it! This has not happened yet, but will happen, so be mindful of your Creator.
Muslims know God is All Powerful, able to do all things... That God doesn't do some things, like take a son or a wife, is bc the true God of Islam, described in the Quran, and hadiths, isn't an anthro-pomorphic deity.

Allah is the One the Irresistible, Allahu Akbar.
God is not like His creatures, and He doesnt do some things bc they dont befit his majesty. God tells us in the Quran that if he had taken a son, he would have chosen from the creation that already existed, meaning He did not take a son, as the Christians (or Jews) claimed.
The Arabs claimed God had daughters (the angels)... all this is refuted in the Quran.
But God is all Powerful worthy of all praise.
Just bc horses were mainly hunted for food (and were not tamed) doesn't mean they were not "made for riding"... the fact remains that ppl ride horses and thats what the Quran is highlighting. Camels, horses and other means of transportation are a blessing. Nate overlooks this fact,
because he is obsessed with hating on anything or everything that is in the Quran. May he never have a really nice car!
"God didn't make horses to ride, we did!" is the most unintelligent arrogant thing he has said yet... So now he believes that humans literally made horses to ride... You see where this is going.
Either I am deliberately misrepresenting what Nate said, or maybe he should rephrase what he said... bc it was #stupid
Creatures reproduce, and thats another sign of Allah.
Theres a verse I will share, which says that humans are decendents of Adam, who had no parents and Eve who also had no parents. She was created to be a spouse for Adam.
The chapter also stresses reproduction, the stages of development, and the womb. The only creatures metnioned are humans and cattle.
The subject is clearly reproduction of mammals, not other types of animals - reptiles or fish or birds are not mentioned...

Chapter 27 explains about ants. They do communicate, the way they communicate was understood by Sulaiman (Soloman), AS. There are many many species of ants, they are said to be related to bees and wasps.
Ants may communicate warnings with a chemical (pheromone) or protect themselves with poison or acid (bites or stings), and they also communicate with sounds (at least some of them do) If the ant communicates with sound,
a person would not hear it. This could mean there is another form of communication that was used, in the story of the ant, in the chapter The Ants (Al Quran). Its even possible, the ants which used fire, in a long hadith about a prophet who had burnt a "nation" of ants because one of them had bit (or stung) him (AS) 
Ants in the Middle East are different ((i suspect) from ants elsewhere, but it isn't possible to know exactly what type of ants Sulaiman came across, though its likely new species hybridized or 'evolved' (much later -there are so  many many species!) after these events had occured.
An ant is also said to have put its legs in the air, while its behind was on the ground, supplicating to Allah for rain or death from the agony it was feeling of thirst!

This seems to suggest an ACTION which humans would possibly be able to interpret, and that there are actions ants can use to communicate which are non verbal language or messages. In this way, too ants would be more similar to humans than many other animals.
Of course, TODAY if we watch them, we might be able to decipher their body language, just as bees have a Bee Dance, which has been understood by a European specialist who studied them.
Ants also have communities like ours. When the prophet Muhammad, SAWS, spoke about female leaders, and said no nation with a female leader would prosper, could have also been speaking about bees, ANTS any insects who produce asexually when they want to, but cause their colony's destruction! (YOU MUST READ AND UNDERSTAND ARABIC HOWEVER, TO PROVIDE EVIDENCE FOR THIS, WHICH I AM JUST SUGGESTING AS "FURTHER RESEARCH")
When this happens, drones (male bees) are brought in to reproduce with the virgin females (young queens) so that the colony may survive this disaster wrought by their Queen! 

"YOURE JUST A MUSLIM", he mocks! EXCUSE ME!! #bigot
Of course, he has a patreon...
Most youtubers just want to make money, their content reflects what they believe will make them money, eg. hate and controversy... and gaming or sex.
For an informative video, watch Smile 2 Jannah (who uploaded a video not long ago about Youtubers who make money by hating on other youtubers, stirring up controversy etc.)
Where is Nate's other video where he speaks about the Quran again. BC he made a fool of himself there... it features Bill Nye in the thumbnail :((

(NOTE: I found it last night and the link will be here in this post. I also made a reaction video, which is up on my channel now.)

For some insight about how cow's milk is produced there are videos which go into greater detail about milk production. You might want to type in search words on Google,
like the phrase, 'how breasts make milk'.
You will probably be able to find an explanation about how breasts have ductules, and aveoli, but less obvious will be the idea that blood and circulation assist in production or influence the quality of milk, and are the source of nutrients, which travel to the breast (via blood!) Many videos focus
on explanations about the breasts and the function of the breast as a reservoir or storage system, but don't mention very much about how the digestion, nutrition and the rest of the body and systems
like circulatory system, digestive system are important to lactation or the quality of milk. BUT Think about this; even doctors warn that medications ingested by the breastfeeding mother can easily pass
in the bloodstream to the milk. This is known to many mothers, but less obvious to ppl who dont understand that milk isnt only 'made by the breasts' but that milk's constituents are found in the blood
and circulation, and come from a 'conjunction between the contents of the blood and the intestines.'


Lets ask, if horses were made by God, not by man, to ride... hmmmmm Yes, God is the creator, therefore He made horses and made them capable of carrying humans on their backs, without any discomfort, and their hoofs are like human nails, do not feel any pain,
when horse shoes are nailed to the bottom part of their hoofs, and their hoofs can be maintained by ppl, to preserve the health and to fit the horse shoes.
They accept humans breaking and training them. They are used as race horses or for ploughing, depending on the type of horse, a thoroughbred horse or a Clydesdale, and so on.
Nate claims that 'we made horses for riding' and says, God shouldn't take credit for what He didn't do!! wtheck!!??

Okay, Nate, double dare... make a grizzly bear for riding. If you are really serious about what you said about people making horses for riding. Never happening, right?
But grizzlies, alligators, polar bears, hamsters, rabbits, falcons, even bulls are not made for riding because God didn't create them for that purpose.
The Quran has that horses are for riding, and that's not a contradiction or wrong.
That God made them is something Muslims, and others who believe in the creator, definitley believe.
Just bc you don't believe in a creator doesnt mean you can take credit for the nature of animals, just bc you can use them for riding, which was not 'we' but the ppl who break animals... The fact that
the Arabs use camels or horses and not cows or elephants has to do with history and culture,
as much as the availability of riding animals...
But don't pretend you know anything just bc you did an internet search and used copyrighted material, or whatever, lol.

I don't also consider a non Muslim Nasa expert as any expert I have to believe, just bc he claims to know something. Scientists are often proven wrong, and they are sometimes proven to be frauds and liars, like the Chinese scientist who won a Nobel prize only to have it taken away,
and humiliation of being exposed likely follows him to this day!

I believe there are things we will never know, are not meant to know or agree on, and that's a test for us. God isn't going to force you to become a Muslim or make you abandon your beliefs, that's why we have free will, and it also proves that Islam is really a choice, not something forced on others
at the point of a sword. Faith is much too personal and an important part of one's identity, therefore, it would be cruel to force ppl to abandon their beliefs.
God calls the non Muslims by names they call themselves, such as Jew or Christian, or People of the Book, a title he bestowed on them in the Holy Book, so why do ppl always level accusations against
God or the Quran and Muslims that say the opposite!! Why do ppl not see that the Quran is a book of revelation and therefore, it cannot aim to destroy or war against ppl merely because of religious differences?



The milk, like honey, and other permissible foods, or halal foods, are pure because they are ordained by God to be permissible, and can be grown, eaten, bought or sold, carried, stored, cooked and served by Muslims without fear
that they are commiting a sin. Whereas alcohol, pork and pork products can in no way be condoned according to Islamic injunctions; they are always impure and 'haram' or forbidden to Muslims in the Sharia.
The use of the word pure, here as in other verses in the Quran most likely refers to the state of permissiblity as well or instead of the alternative meaning (if one thinks on this it seems to be a correct view) of being free of any physical impurities,
disease or such. For example, the kind of bride men are exhorted to  marry are the women who are pure and chaste. If purity only meant chastity and the state of being free of any illness, then pure would have been a superfluous unnecessary word in the first instance
or just meant the same as chaste. In the second instance, if illness or even bodily purity was meant, then it would be 'haram' to marry a woman during her period, but in actuality and in practice, women have been married (contracted marriage) while they have been in a state of physical impurity (menses or post partum bleeding).

It is only forbidden to have sexual intercourse during those times, but not to marry. Therefore, the term pure and chaste are independent of each other, and express the preferred or good qualities of women who are pure or the permission to marry chaste virgins, widows or divorcees
(any who are 'halal' for marriage, e.g. they are permissible (and not from among the forbidden categories of women a man may not legally marry in Islam, eg. sister or mother, aunt, neice, daughter or grandmother, nor the sister of one's own wife, when he is presently married to his wife,
but later if he is not married to his wife, he may marry her sister, though that might not be very commonly done, especially in the case of divorce) nor are they amongst the category of women who have been charged and proven to be unchaste or sexually promiscuous unmarried women.
(Only an unchaste man may marry an unchaste woman, according to the sharia (ones who have been proven guilty of illicit sexual intercourse before marriage, but not adultery another more severe issue.
In the example above, clearly purity is not a subjective thing, like taste, but is a more important quality.)

While people may sometimes enjoy drinking beverages or eating foods that are not as pleasant or sweet as some others, they may like to eat sour foods occasionally, but they always, if they are decent
folk, try to marry pure women who are chaste. Therefore, while purity can refer to the color of milk or the freedom from disease, it also can mean permissiblity. IMHO.
When milk has soured to the point of being spoilt it can no longer be considered pure, and then it would be considered bad to drink, perhaps dangerously so. In such an event, as with spoilt food, it is not permissible to force oneself to drink or eat such a drink (even if one is extremely thirsty).


The moon is 'munir' but the sun is 'siraj'. The sun is also described in other Arabic words, but the moon is 'munir' (God knows best)
The moonlight is reflected light. The sun is a star, therefore its light is a result of the sun's own energy (light energy in this case, not heat energy)
What some non Muslims have said about the moon, with regards its light, is that the moon has no light! This is on the surface a plausible argument... but it is like
saying the day has no light, because only the sun has light... in fact, the night is lighted by the celestial objects we can see in the night sky, including the moon, which is bright at times or
at times not visible, due to clouds or its phases, when it wanes, and increased light when it waxes again. The moon has even inspired series of stories, books, movies and other literature, about the effects of the moon on humans and animals. But we know those are mostly fantasy
and not anything to do with reality, or real science.

Some atheists, again, are very dishonest and hypocritical; while they accuse Muslims of making up false explanations about verses in the Quran which are of a scientific nature, they themselves refuse to apply scientific laws, theories or known facts when judging statements in the Quran which are
clearly explained by science.
They conjecture and make utterly false claims, which can be disproven by science itslef!
If science cannot offer an explanation for verses speaking about miracles, or unknown events or things we have no way of proving, that's not the issue with regards to the moon's light or the sun's light.
A good example, or comparison is the relected #light we see around us. For example, the existence or apparent existence of colors, is the result of reflected light!
White is the combination of all the colors of the prism, paint colors on the color wheel, for example, are not similar to the colors of the light prism, but for example, we know that black is the absence of light.
Therefore, black is the absence of color (perhaps I will do more research on this... lol) At any rate, colors are produced or seen because some light is reflected (and refraction is something else, i will try to search)
If no light is reflected, we see black.
(Black also absorbs a lot of heat, which is why "black cars look better in the shade", lol)
Black is when all the light is absorbed, therefore the eye can only see what 'color' results in the absense of light (black).

A much better explanation of this phenomena, is this passage in the book The Quran &Modern Science... on page 39, which reads,

"When light rays reach the surface of the ocean they are reflected by the wave surface giving it a shiny appearance. Therefore, it is the waves that reflect light and cause darkness. The unreflected light penetrates into the depths of the ocean."

In this is speaking about why clouds above a stormy sea have darkness under them (because the waves are reflecting the light back and it creates darkness). We could say this is the opposite effect of the moon reflecting the light, because it creates light, not darkness, whereas the ocean has different qualities, and when it is stormy it will reflect only darkness under the clouds, while the
surface of the water is shiny. Beneath the surface, there are more and darker layers and absence of light gets more intense the deeper into the ocean one travels.

Similarly, the apparent 'light' on the moon we see clearly at night, is nothing more than reflected light of the sun! The Quran doesn't claim that the moon has light energy similar to the sun.
In fact, the Quran describes the moon as 'munir', and the sun as 'siraj' as already stated above. Never does the Quran describe the moon as 'siraj' (like a lamp, or a fire which produces heat and light energy)... One day the sun will stop producing energy, when it dies and becomes a dead star!
But the moon was never a star, nor is it a dead star. It is a cold satellite of the earth, and the Quran doesn't suggest anything like that the sun and moon are similar celestial bodies.
On the other hand, the Quran does mention the existence of a pulsating star! This is another of the scientific facts proven by science, which appeared in the Quran 1440 yrs ago!

A star of 'piercing brightness', a #pulsar, which emits a steady knocking or pulsating sound, and appears and disappears, unlike most other stars (allahu aalam) is indeed unheard of before hundreds of years, but is found described in the Quran, in the surah Al-Tariq.


There is a hadith, about how the prophet split the moon, to show the non believers in Mecca (or Medina) but whether it has actually occured is argued among Muslims!
Because the Quran says, this event occurs when the day of judgment has drawn near. Now, we may think that has already happened. Every day we are nearer the day of judgment. On the other hand, the verse is not so clear as to who did the moon splitting. I believe this is why some Muslims say the
#moonsplitting will happen at a later date, and has not happened. It may not even be the prophet Muhammad that splits the moon, or shows this sign to the people, some might argue. Maybe it will not even be a Muslim who does so ... but God knows best.
(I am not saying it has or hasn't occured and that's the most I will firmly say on this debate.
God tells us, that He will judge between us in our disputes or reveal to us the truth about these matters about which we dispute when we are raised to life again!) 

This is the verse in question, "The Last Hour has drawn near! And the moon has split apart!
The next verse reads, "But even when these disbelievers see a miracuous sign, they turn away and say: Fleeting sorcery!"

Are these two verses related. Or are they also revealed at the same time and place, or are they revealed at different times... Because the Quran is revealed over 23 years, and not always (or hardly ever) is a whole chapter revealed at once.
This chapter 54, Al-Qamar, or The Moon, has 55 ayahs (verses) Sometimes "verses" is translated as "signs" in Arabic.
There are many times when verses that have been put in a specific order in the Quran were not revealed at the same time!
God told Muhammad how to order them later and so that is even true about when some verses were abrogated or taken out, which is not many in any case.

There are many discussions about these verses too.
Even the Chapter names are names the Muslims used for the chapters and are not revealed by God, but reflect the main idea in the chapter.
Thus the Moon splitting miracle is in the Chapter later named The Moon.

Whatever order or number the chapters and verses appear in the Quran today, the Chapter names were accepted by the Muslims, and are not literally part of the Quran, and not inspired as such (Allah knows best). The numbering and the diacritical marks on the letters are also not inspired, but were later used or developed to make it easier for Muslims to go to specific chapters and verses,
or just to organize the book, and also to make the book uniform and easier to read, especially the diacritical marks, which Arabs didn't use before the Quran. These things help students and teachers to learn or teach Quranic Arabic, and are why there is an important and highly recommended
area of study called Tajweed, which basically teaches proper recitation of the Quran.
There is not only one recitation but at least 7 and as many as 10, three less popular or widespread so called "versions", which are just other dialects or recitations.

The actual meaning of any verses has never been changed, nor do words have different meanings from one dialect or recitation to another. But to know which meaning a specific word has, is the job of scholars (and interpretation) or translation when we are speaking about Islam and explaining Quran to others.


Allah or God is the creator and only He is the one who gave animals their specific nature, roles and subservience to man, or their dangerous or amazing qualities or characteristics. But that man is in control of the animals, to a large extent, he is their master and
able to conquer the animals, or use them to his benefit is obvious. Only a person with weak intellect would consider himself or herself equal with the animals and not master of the animals. While most people have no experience today with raising animals, or knowing their
habits, abilities, talents or skills, there have always been people who have earned a living to do with animal husbandry, or farming, eg. fish farming, raising cattle or poultry, egg production and so on.

The breeding of animals and horses is one of the human activities and
is consistent with his talents, inclinations and natural abilities and desires.
Humans love the beautiful creatures above others, and horses are definitely one of the most handsome of creatures as well they are animals which have had great importance in human history.
It is not however true that humans made horses into riding animals!, as Nate very foolishly and arrogantly claims in one of his videos about the Quran.
If that is the case, let him also make a tiger that everybody can ride, or a bull that is as good as a horse for racing or show jumping!

I think sometimes, ppl are taking the complexeties of life science too lightly and especially when scientific statements in the Quran is the subject.

Animal and plant biology, embryology and oceonography are subjects touched on in many places in the Muslims' holy book; these plain #facts are not so easily dismissed as some youtubers or other ppl in social media seem to believe.
To me its not surprising that many converts to Islam are educated, thoughtful, people with backgrounds in science, or former atheists who consider themselves intelligent, intellectually advanced, critical thinkers. I too consider myself to be both thoughtful and curious,
as well as independent and critical.
I do not fear #science, or the challenges posed by modern researches and scientific discoveries.

When I first learned about #abiogenesis, I was thrilled to no end!
Far from giving me doubts about Islam, it increased my faith. I read about the existence of clay on Mars and the possibility that life  may have sprung up on earth, when the Earth was struck by meteors or debris or parts of the planet Mars, which has veins of clay with 100 times the amount of boriam
(or something like that, it has slipped my mind since)... this information doesn't to my mind pose any contradiction with the Quran. While I believe that animals may have evolved, or certianly the possiblity of natural selection is always there, but I dont believe that humans evolved from apes.

Therefore, the theory of abiogenesis is something that to me may one day prove to provide more clues or an answer as to how man or any life, even new forms of life might some day
emerge on other planets, or in the right conditions develop even on Earth, or the moon! Our climate is changing, imho, and that means while some species may die, perhaps new species will come into existence, and the possiblity is that humans might actually develop some life forms in labs,
just as they have somewhat successfully developed clones (which however cannot reproduce, #idunno)...


When Mary, the mother of Jesus, peace be upon both of them, 'pointed' at the babe and asked the ppl to listen to him, he spoke in the cradle as an infant (mahdi sabiyan).
The same word cradle, #btw also is used to described the earth in another chapter of the Quran, and this tells us quite clearly, that God uses words how He wants, to signify something particular we should focus on. Mahdi, or cradle describes our earth, because it is our world, the world we live.
Some cultures even claim the earth is our 'mother'. We can argue about that, maybe they don't really consider earth the earthmother. I don't have a problem with it either way, that's what freedom is about; ppl should be able to say what they believe whether its logical or not.
On the other hand, it DOESN'T mean you have to accept that; NOR it means you  try to destroy other ppl bc you don't like their religion!
That's hate, not freedom #imho
I don't feel threatened by what atheists, agnostics or some Christians say, but I do occasionally get really miffed! (Is that a British expression...) 
Language is key to communication. What do we call signing, that form of communication used by deaf or mute ppl and their loved ones or teachers... hmmm.
I think its called 'American sign language'. And I assume its the same one used worldwide...
#idk really but anyone can correct me if I'm wrong. I have a bad habit... Sometimes I don't bother editing bc I hate editing, and I just want to post articles as fast as I can to my blog, or make videos as fast as I can, and not have to obsess about the edits, mistakes, or occasional spelling and
other errors... even factual ones :)) #ohno
Its not bc i enjoy lying or misleading ppl, but bc i don't like to obsess about stuff, and I often feel an urgency just to let ppl read or hear my opinions and figure stuff out for themselves. BC I know I'm not going to convince anyone that I'm right (most of the time) and they are probably wrong about most stuff when it comes to the Quran... Is that arrogant. I don't think I am arrogant.
I do believe I am enough informed, having read a lot about Islam and sometimes other subjects or topics that are related to Islam somehow, and experience after 30 yrs has taught me a lot!

I don't really care much (enough to shed buckets of tears) if ppl are not inclined to Islam. It's not my problem, so why should I worry about their salvation.

I am just not as sympathetic to ppl who refuse knowledge and guidance, as I am to other Muslims who are suffering just bc they want to practice their faith peacefully. Muslims are the
targets of hate, and I know personally some ppl who have suffered bc of their beliefs. That's why I can't excuse hate speech, even though I do have to tolerate it sometimes. I don't know how many times I have reported a comment on the internet, but unfortunately, when you do that on a YT channel what happens is the uploader gets his video flagged.
That means there isn't complete freedom to say what they want, bc they are punished for comments in their comments section. So uploaders should be aware of that! REMOVE HATESPEECH, SO YOUR VIDEOS DON'T GET FLAGGED OR REMOVED BY YOUTUBE.

So Jesus, AS, literally spoke in the cradle. And the earth is also described as a cradle. Therefore, the earth isn't literally a carpet, but that is another description of the earth, or what we walk on and travel, the ground. I think that's obvious but I don't intend to convince everybody of that. Allah is the guide.
Some verses explain other verses, even if they are totally unrelated. This is just a single example.
I think this kind of comparison, helps us understand the Quran much better even if we can only read English translations of the meanings (of the Quran), which are not 'perfect'.
And nothing is perfect, in this life, right.

(This section is edited bc I unintentionally said something or implied something I didn't intend to)

There is no perfect human being. Its the same as saying, someone is your perfect match, or your spouse is the perfect husband (or wife). Perfect is a subjective, relative term.
Aisha RA was the perfect wife, even though many Muslims claim she was only 9! If you read about Aisha, RA, she was very loving and also beloved by the prophet Muhammad. She was jealous of his other wives. She had a rivalry with Hafsa,RA, the daughter of Umar, RA.
Ppl will continue to make abusive remarks and slander the prophet Muhammad, SAWS, and call Aisha, RA, a child bride. But the fact remains that she was happily married, if you want to bring hadiths into this discussion. She even says, she wished she could keep him to herself in exclusion to the other wives, and would have done so, if she had the power (and if it was permissible).
So the claims she was a victim is IMHO baseless. People, or Muslims, also don't agree how old she was when she married (for those who are interested in this discussion).
The prophet, SAWS was a model huband and leader. He neither hated nor abused the other Muslims. Unlike some leaders today..
He brought about a great empire. And a merciful generation of people. They ceased to abuse their daughters or bury them alive for fear of want, as the pagans did. 
God also tells us, that He forgave Muhammad's sins. That is a privilege of being a prophet. Moses, AS, was also forgiven his crime, when he murdered another man. God is Merciful.

Many non believers will praise HItler or Genghis Khan for their leadership, intellect, or actions, but they hate Muhammad for better and greater words, actions and equinimity. He is called a mercy to the world. But they refuse to recognize the Prophet or Islam.

His marriages are not the main issue, but are a matter of historical relevance. One of his marriages (to Zaynab bint Jahsh, RA) ws opposed or ridiculed and caused discomfort to the Muslims then. His marriage to Aisha, RA, similarly is a trial for Muslims today, who fear they are being accused of supporting pedophilia.

Once, a sahaba (companion of Muhammad, pbuh), AbdurRahman, or another 'sahabi', RA, was asked if he would like to remember his youth by marrying a virgin girl. (Jariya is a slave woman or a virgin girl) He had been a youth, as mentioned. Notably, he did not want thtat. Instead he said, the Prophet, SAWS,  used to tell them to fast, when they could not afford to  marry.

The Quran tells in many places, too many for me to count, that men should marry "women".
Muslims have no objection to marrying mature women, and this is the practice in most Muslim majority countries, and the age of consent (eg. marrriage) is at least 16 and up to 21 years old in many modern Muslim majority nations.

The final decision of the Prophet, SAWS, regarding marriage, seems to have been the permission to marry women (Imraa). Some non believers falsely cite the marriage of Aisha, RA, saying she was his last wife! And they accuse Muslims of using "Taqiyya" when they are themselves blatantly lying. They read the hadiths and Quran to try to debunk Muslims' statements, but they refuse them (Islamic sources) when they are proved wrong!

(End of edits - JD)


Does the Quran say that ants speak or that they use human language.
The ant 'says' to the ants...

If I use sign language, am I communicating or saying something. In other words, is it one or the other, or can we agree that the word SAY can have slightly similar but different meanings.
I think Allah uses the shortest route to convey that the ants have language, or a method of communication, so that's why the word SAY is appropriate in this context. Were we to write a story book, and tell children that the ants communicate, and tell that the ants sent chemical messages to each other, some children today would
understand but maybe not all of them would. And in the past, children wouldn't have known anything about chemical communication.

The ants, says NATETALKSTOYOU communicate like that. But he says it isn't language... do you agree or disagree #askingforme 

In the Chapter about Mary, mother of Jesus, or in another chapter, Ali Imran, one or the other, but in the story about prophet Zachariah, AS, he is given a 'sign' from God about a child to be born to his wife and him, being that he cannot speak for 3 days. He then uses signs (hand signals) to communicate.
If the ant similarly had used signs (movements of the hands, or body parts) would not convey the right message that Allah wants to communicate (I will explain what I mean, keep going!) and further would have been scientifically inaccurate; proving that the Quran "made a mistake"... BC signing is more difficult to interpret and to make one's message understood.
If a man wrote the Quran, he could say, the ant "said", or he could say, the ant "spoke", or he could say, the ant "signed" or signalled (asha-rat ilai, is what Mary AS, did when she "pointed")

Another third possiblity is that ants send messages (like sending a letter)... lets think about this for a while, and get back to it, shall we.

A final possiblity is that the ants don't communicate at all, which is scientifically inaccurate.
But the fourth possiblity,that the Quran does express the idea that ants use chemical communication... is not at all obvious.

Since God knows about His creatures, why did He not tell us that the ants communicate with chemicals. I will get to this, just keep reading! #inshaAllah
For example, the Bee dance, as the bees means of communicating the 'pathways' to flowers or their hives, etc is described in the Quran, so why did God not also describe ant 'language'.

Allah, SWT, says in the Quran, as in the ayah above about the moon splitting, "which of the verses of your lord will ye deny." 
And it isn't like God wants to entrap or fool anyone. But God tells us that no matter how many signs there are, the non believers will not believe, because they are deaf, dumb and blind (spiritually, not physically)

A dead heart cannot have enough signs, in fact any sign is rejected by them! Even if they will see the splitting of the moon some day, they will not believe their own eyes, nor will their minds brind to remembrance the words I have just written!

Nor will they bow down in submission to Allah Most High, because they don't want to. The so called "problems they have with the Quran, or Islam are just reasons they give to continue in their chosen way. It has nothing to do with the Quran being false, or Prophet Muhammad being a charlatan, as they claim, or even that they are born into one religion and don't want to become Muslim.
They choose to believe what they do. And that is why God says, He will tell us about those things we (different peoples) used to argue about.
I prefer the word SAID, to the other possiblities bc it is the most easy to understand and conveys that communication or language has taken place.

BUT does NATE think that chemical communication is not language, or does he just say it isn't human language... bc Muslims already know that ants and other creatures, don't use human language between themselves.

A dog can bark or bite, and it can understand commands, apparently.
A gorilla can learn sign language.

When a scientist explains the gorilla's signing, she says, the gorilla signed, I'm sad, as when the gorilla CoCo's kitten died (or was the kitten named Coco #idk)
Anyway, I would personally just have said, the ape said this, or the ape said that. I don't think its necessary to say, the ape signed this and the ape signed that.
The ant in the Quran is warning other ants about the human soldiers. The quickest way to express this idea, just as the urgency of the ants was real and felt, and communicated between them, is that Sulaiman and his hosts, or soldiers are coming, better get out of their way fast! And live another day!

If we look at the story like this, its obvious that the main concern for the ants was to quickly get out of the humans' path and to a safe place or a safe distance. It's dramatic, as dramatic as anything Shakespeare would write, because the Quran isn't a science textbook, but it is instructive, and tells us about the animals in a way, certainly in the prophet Muhammad's era, was never heard of!
But what I really want to say is, yes, ants communicate, and that they do so is language, whether Nate agrees or not!
Just like the Bee Dance, is a kind of language, imho. Maybe bees also use chemical communication, idk. People can comment below. Because language is to convey meaning.That's what the ants did in the story. They relayed a message or a warning to their fellows. They all got to safety, we think...
The word, Say, is expressing the important idea that the ants make themselves understood very easily and effectively. They communicate well.
On the other hand, humans sometimes don't communicate well, even though they use actual words (what Nate calls real "language")Who is to say, that chemical communication isn't more effective
than human language... That's the reason I believe that Allah uses the word SAY, just as He instructs the prophet Muhammad, "Say, oh you who believe..." etc.
If their language was not extremely useful they could not SAY anything to eachother. This stresses the fact that insects, like other higher animals are congnizant, they are not just programmed, although they do have programming, like the Bee Dance, or the birds' migration which must be programmed, proving that God exists (and is the 'programmer') Allah also says in the Quran, they are communities like you (humans).
Ants have markets, they trade goods, they bury their dead, and more. They are most similar to humans in many respects than many animals!

Back to the prophet Jesus, AS, and Mary, AS, story. When Mary points to Jesus, the Jews are wondering what she wants them to understand... they are dumbfounded, besides already shocked that she is a virgin with a baby (and actually are on the point of accusing her of a serious moral, sexual crime!)
She cannot communicate to them effectively using hand signals. We know that signing is a language, but pointing is NOT! She wants Jesus to speak to them, explain her situation and defend her honor, which he then does.

Maybe the verses about Jesus, Mary, and Zachariah, alaihimu salaam, are in the Quran and help us understand something about the ants too!! #subhanAllah

Ants, whatever their means of communication (sounds, or if its chemical, but is it language, is the question) works for them. They don't struggle with it, or with being understood by other ants. They don't need to use hand signals or ask someone else to help them, excpet to pass on the same message!
So they do have a language, and they do SAY things. Because you SAY (without spoken words, I mean) what gets your message across. But hand signs and pointing, don't help to communicate long messages. ONLY A SHORT MIDDLE FINGER IS MOSTLY THE EFFECTIVE AND UNIVERSAL WORD UNDERSTOOD IMMEDIATELY BY 99% OF THE PPL ON THE PLANET :(
(Signing isnt used by a majority of the world ppl so I am not including more about that as a language.)
I wouldn't say the ant SPOKE, which is sometimes the word used in some translations, but I would say the ant does SAY something. What do you think, am I wrong...

People are free to disagree with me :) I have no hate. Except I hate evil ... but generally I like to live and let live, and don't really HATE anyone personally. This is not about cult of personality or YouTube. But its about truth. Which is far more important.

On another note, I think probably Shakespeare was inspired to write about the Bee King (although bee Queens are the leaders of bees) maybe after he heard about the Quranic story of Solaiman and the impressive account of the decisive ant leader, who Shakespeare probably also assumed was a male!
We know from "scholars" that Dante was definitely inspired to write his most famous work, after reading the Quran, or about how heaven and #hell are described in the Quran... he probably read many other works or ideas as well. But it is said he was inspired by the Quran, and not the Bible, just so you know!
Did he think the Bible was too well known in his part of the world to have any kind of impact. Maybe he was worried about being unoriginal, the bane of all writers, thinkers and philogophy! #whatever
Another youtuber, think it was Irish Infidel, or maybe Irish Atheist, are they the same person... (I mocked him for calling himself an 'infidel', but that's another story...)
One of them had a video on his channel, not sure if the copyrights are his or he used copyrighted material, but anyway, he rightly says that in Arabic, groups of things, are often presented in (the subject or object, whatever) the feminine plural form, so its not surprising that female (not a masculine pronoun) worker bees ( as the object) are said to pollinate, build the homes, or do the work (the subject).
That may be, but it isn't a contradiction with science! #ikr HOWEVER, THERE ISN'T A RULE IN ARABIC THAT A SINGLE ANT OR BEE HAS TO BE A FEMALE TOO #truth

That's where it becomes clear (to me anyway) that non Muslims don't seem to be very #logical when it comes to understanding the Quran. I think its only because they are in such a hurry to "disprove" the Quran (which even the Christian Arabs haven't done successfully for centuries) or reveal an utter uncontrollable BIAS, lol.
That they can't think logically about the Quran!! BUT THEY ARE SO DARN PROUD OF THEIR UPLOADED VIDEOS, MY GOD!
There's very little time, when you are a busy non believer, and then you have to upload something about ISLAM bc that's what everybody is doing to get views, who isnt #piewdiepiew or #iJustine or some of those gaming streamers, and so on...
Either they are hating on Muslims, Islam, God, Religion, Christianity or they are hating on Leftists, Linda Sarsour, Zakir Naik, lol. You get me! Its all about their holy patreon account, making money,
getting views and making money, and making videos to get views, to spread hate or evil, or to make money!!!That's just my #opinion ;)
Im fasting, this is the 13th day of Ramadhan (16th day, is when I'm doing these edits) and I'm not a superstitious person at all ;) In fact I enjoyed writing this post; it is one of my humble efforts to explain the Quran to ppl. Please share, like it on Twitter, etc.
My Twitter: Jane Dughatir, you  can follow me or #tweet me or #subscribe to my YouTube channel, also Jane Dughatir! It's a pseudonym, in case anyone is curious.
If you like this post, plz don't hesitate to share on G+  You may also visit my channel, to see many original videos by me. More #NEW videos are in the works, or will be soon.

Have a pleasant week!

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