I tried to ad comment on the website “***sourprose***”, but was prevented. It ran as follows…
“A huge 40,000 Muslims (maybe in Indonesia, or someplace like that), It hasn't happened where I live; calling for the beheading of blasphemers,
yes it has happened in Indonesia. But did they actually behead anyone, if so, how many? What was the grand scale of it? You could apologize
to all those (Meaningless numbers??) of children, and adult survivors, of sexual abuse, who (not a large enough number for you?) lived through
hell on earth, at the hands of their attackers, abusers, the different churches (only the Catholics?). Please r.s.v.p.”
(Later, she posted a comment on my blog, expressing her right NOT TO show my comment, this is still visible.)
She does not R.S.V.P. After all, she may be thinking, “Who is SHE to tell ME what to do?” So, now the shoe is on the other foot, is that it?
I think it’s a courtesy, if you say something, and then expect no arguments; maybe you shouldn’t be calling almost “everyone who reads” your blog,
or disagrees with your narrow viewpoint, “an asshole”, I hate it, but that’s what she is/was calling everyone, and I have to explain this clearly. Generally,
it’s common courtesy, even on the net to let people have their say, and Muslim, or Islamic websites often let “idiots” (nicer word) have their fifteen
minutes of fame> but this young woman, (not lady) wouldn’t even allow my comment to be published on her page. Well you know what, “it’s my
party and I’ll cry if I want to” doesn’t work in the real world, I’m not afraid to respond to you, but I don’t have to respond to your barrage of emails
Whenever you want me to, especially considering that you “moderated” (another word for deleted) my comment in the first place! She who laughs last
laughs best, and I will.
Hee, hee, heee!
Maybe she realized that there are intelligent Muslims who are able to voice their arguments in a coherent manner, and in well spoken/written English?
Apparently, following her other emails, this is not the case…how could a Muslim possibly know English? She takes her gamble, “either you don’t know
English, blah, blah, blah, etc, etc, etc…”
Thus, I wrote the previous blog, and encourage your comments, as well. Eventually, if there are many comments, or the language is not appropriate,
I may have to delete some, but probably that won’t happen for a while since I haven’t gotten much traffic yet. Below follows my blog post and some
further explanation.
Occasionally I’ll be going into my archives and digging out “older” posts I’d had on my previous blog at
which is not there anymore because the site closed shop permanently mid-March on Windows lives spaces.
My response to Hannah Jose (posted on my blog):
I tried to ad comment on the website “***sourprose***”, but was prevented. It ran as follows…
“A huge 40,000 Muslims (maybe in Indonesia, or someplace like that), It hasn't happened where I live; calling for the beheading of blasphemers,
yes it has happened in Indonesia. But did they actually behead anyone, if so, how many? What was the grand scale of it? You could apologize
to all those (Meaningless numbers??) of children, and adult survivors, of sexual abuse, who (not a large enough number for you?) lived through
hell on earth, at the hands of their attackers, abusers, the different churches (only the Catholics?). Please r.s.v.p.”
I mentioned the protest by a 40,000 crowd “in Indonesia, or someplace” in my comment below Hanna Jose’s blog post merely as a reference; she says it was in Pakistan, which I don’t argue, Pakistan is “someplace” like Indonesia, in other words, a Muslim majority country where large protests are often held. Then I continue that we don’t have large protests for Shariah law [in Bahrain]. My meaning is obvious, that not everywhere do you have such a protest or large number of Muslim protesters, that’s all. It wasn’t an argument, merely a statement; but she took it as my opposition to what she said about Pakistanis (I don’t know what she said about the Pakistanis except their number and what the protest was for).
ReplyDeleteHannah's analysis of my comment (might be posted in full with commentary sooner or later (yawn))but anyway; it was amusing,(even for a 21 yr old).