Preliminary report; Devising a Theory about Pro-Islamic Dissenting Independent Voices
Warning: May contain traces of creative writing
Isabella, the Queen of then reigning Italian\Spanish monarch was married at the youthful age of 12 years. (Graham, 2005)
We don’t hear about many Christians, especially fundamentalists, who were married at a young age; WE DON’T HEAR THIS SPOKEN OF EVERY DAY; because non-Muslims only ever speak about this subject in connection with Islam and Muslims.
As I’ve said numerous times, societies around the globe permitted their daughters to marry at a young age; some might have also forced their daughters to marry at a young age, or to marry men they didn’t accept in their heart, or outright hated.
It’s the case that early Christians used to inherit women - women were as property, to be passed from father to son, or from brother to brother, as inheritance property. They were treated as chattel, as a commodity and must have felt humiliated and unloved.
Funny how what Christians or others complain most about Islam is actually what their history has seen for the last 1,900 years. Funny how non- Muslims blame Islam for something which isn’t a part of Islamic history- but is recorded in their own history; such things –the worst of what Christians and others did - aren’t recorded in Islamic history.
Did the Muslims throw out only the details of their marriages to underage girls, or did these never really exist?
Did Muhammad, pbuh, marry a six or seven year old, as many people think; or is there no evidence of this? Christians, atheists, agnostics’ and so on believe that Muhammad married a 9 year old or even younger girl. Some Muslims also think this.
I say Muhammad, pbuh, married a young girl or a “young woman”; today even young girls of similar age are sometimes married. The legal age, (with parental consent) for girls or boys, (if it ever happens), is 14 in Canada.
There are girls with a sexual partner at this young age, who are not married and perhaps putting themselves in great danger. They are breaking the law.
It’s true; the ancient Arabs used to betroth their daughters to men/youth, sometimes even as babes. (Like putting the girl on layaway)After Islam checked the many types of marriage and eliminated all types of marriage except one; the type of marriage we see today in Islam, (not including the mutta of the Shiites);When the Muslim girl was old enough to marry, she was asked to meet her husband-to-be, to decide if he was to her satisfaction; he was also encouraged to look at his wife, to increase attraction to/and love for her; so that when the time for the wedding and preparations for the “honeymoon” period was nigh, the couple would have already had some inkling of their attraction and love, rather than have to meet each other like strangers on the wedding night.(Non Muslims find this scenario in Hollywood films but then it is titillating; television shows sometimes have similar themes; as inspired by Shakespeare or others; I’m thinking of “Taming of the Shrew”- the forced marriage is very entertaining in this play – you might recall when Bruce Willis and Cybil Sheppard reenacted the play as two love interests in an episode of “Moonlighting”.)
Islam permits remarriage, unlike Catholicism - divorce is not prohibited, nor is remarriage frowned upon. Thus, any marriage that is doomed to failure doesn’t mean a sentence of unhappiness until death, or loneliness for never marrying the right person. It is true, that some women can only marry once, (even there are women who never marry, though this used to happen less in the past than it does now), due to their own individual circumstances such as ill health, or because they prefer to live with their children, and maybe men will not marry someone who has many children, (or is older; but this is also a more recent phenomena).Polygamy as well is less common. Due to high dowries, women are not able to find men who will marry them or their fathers won’t permit them to marry men of their choice – as is an evil trend in Saudi Arabia; while they may also insist that their daughter/s give them a portion or all of their salary/ies.
The Qur’an encouraged men to marry the women who were child-bearing; either/both their mothers and/or sisters already/ had children, or they were widowed or divorced women with children- therefore good candidates for having many children.
Women were not married only for their reproductive qualities but due to other “pluses” such as beauty, wealth or lineage; it would not have been encouraged to marry a lady who was beautiful if her personality was foul, or to marry a rich widow if she could not have children for you; neither were completely forbidden; but we can see when some of these qualities can come into conflict with the goals that men in ancient Arabia had; for example, children and large families were necessary and a means of self-defense, and power. Larger tribes could “eat” smaller tribes, therefore it was advantageous to be from a larger tribe; and even possess material wealth; and many fighting men, and young men; because wars often took the lives of hundreds of fighting men. There was warring almost every day, in ancient Arabia, over some issue or problem, or other. Land was sought after and rape and pillage, or slavery (of men and women) also was commonplace.
In the story of Yusuf, AS: he is a youth who fears the guiles of the young court women of the queen; who wants to make him do her bidding. The surah/ch. warns youth to protect themselves from mortal sin.
Islam forbade 9 different types of marriage that were considered by Islamic standards immoral. Also, Islam greatly limited polygamy, reducing the maximum number of wives to four, or less, if men can’t afford that many; if a man can only afford one wife, then that is the prescribed or better number. Islam also forbade men from sharing the same slave women; it was only permissible for one man to take a slave woman, although he could have sexual relations with as many slave women as he could afford to keep (care for) and desired. If a slave woman had a child (“Um Walid”) then, at the time of her master’s death she would be free, even if he had debts (she couldn’t be sold for profit, to pay off his debts, if he were destitute or poor at the time of his death.)
Once a slave is free in Islam, especially a Muslim slave, she couldn’t be retaken as a slave or forced into slavery by another Muslim. BUT during victories in battles or war conquests slaves were often captured, during the Islamic period by other (non-Muslim) tribes, and of course, Muslims also took slaves among non-Muslims. One of the treaties between the Muslims had that if a Muslim slave was recaptured by his non-Muslim owners, that they would be allowed to keep him, but the Muslims’ slaves would not also be returned to the Muslims if they escaped. But the non- Muslim slaves who had run away from their Muslim masters would not likewise be returned to them. Muslims at the time felt sorely, but had to comply with the treaty. Among other things in the treaty were that the Muslims should be allowed to make the pilgrimage to Mecca the following year.(This is a long story, part of which states that Umar, who was to be the third Caliph of Islam, after the deaths of Muhammad, pbuh, and Abu Bakr, r.a., objected and asked the Prophet many questions about the injustice of being prevented from the Hajj, and because he believed the Prophet had said that the Muslims would perform the Hajj that year; during this incident; the fact that when the Muslims had set out for the pilgrimage as the Prophet had intended they were prevented by the non-Muslims, and the aforementioned treaty was signed; later Umar made many reparations; charity and fasting, etc. for his harsh questioning of the Prophet, pbuh, at the time of Hudaibiya.) In the end, even the apparent injustices of the treaty (favoring the pagans) were to the advantage of the Muslims. It prevented fighting between the Muslims ad pagans for a period of ten years; which helped the Muslims grow in numbers and strength.
Non-Muslims speak about this issue of Muslim marriage, as though Muslim parents are callous, cold, unloving ad betrayers of the most heavy trust; the care of their innocent children, beings they have cared for since before their entrance into this cold unforgiving world, especially at that time - the world was barren desert and life was harsh - ready to take a helpless baby if the slightest opening occurred; incurable diseases, typhoid, fevers, malaria, any number of unpreventable diseases (for vaccines at the time had yet never been imagined)
Would the Arabs or the first Muslims have been crueler than other parents in those days?
They were not crueler. Definitely the ancients in all societies didn’t value girls, or females. One of the Sahaba cried when remembering how he had buried his two year old daughter, before Islam; while he threw the dirt onto her small body, she used her little hand to brush the dirt out of his beard, he told.
It was the cruel customs of a bygone era and the bitter memories of the evil murder of a child, which is what Islam from the outset forbade, that made grow men weep bitter tears of unspeakable remorse. There was nothing to do but regret and repent to God, which many men did, to never again do of wickedness society wanted; (nor) to remain loyal to satanic beliefs, customs and rituals; how Satan must have watched from his distance in the blackness of his kingdom in horror at Islam’s successful spread ad eventual dominance in all of Arabia, and beyond.
Satan has soldiers of his own, which he dispatches to sow discord, and spread evil on earth. It was the Muslims who saved Arabia and much of the world from utter hopelessness and a fate worse than death; disbelief.
Aisha’s testimony:
The youthful Aisha speaks in her own words about her love for the Prophet of Allah and His Messenger. Muslims note, that she never spoke any ill word against nor showed any dislike for her husband, peace and blessings unto him.
Anyone who dares to accuse good men and women of crimes (such as what we hear all the time about the Holy Messenger of Islam) should produce definite proof (for their accusations, or keep quiet) I believe Allah said, “I am the Time”, and I believe that it is only the mercy of God (Al-Rahman) that keeps such idiotic people from harm; that in time they will not be able to escape God’s justice or wrath. In Islam, accusations, of infidelity, as well as sexual crimes, are seriously looked upon; a person who accuses a chaste and God fearing Muslim, must bring four witnesses or else definite proof (for example, today there are medical specialists and gynecologists who would examine victims of either rape, or incest. There is no reason to believe, that in ancient times, men had a proclivity to/ fetish or desire for young (underage girls). That being said, it was customary that girls of child-bearing age (meaning they had reached puberty) could be married (they are of the age to want to have\ or desire a partner and sexual relations).This varies a little only from person to person.
It is a fact, that prepubescent children, both girls and boys are not physically ready for sex.
This is how Islam has always treated the sex subject.
I believe I have sufficiently explained this point above.
I also suggest to women in the west, to stop their hate speech against Muslims; it’s obvious that some of these women have been brainwashed into this thinking by the media, and wrong books about Islam Please, also read on.
A general advice for Muslims says, “Do not cause harm, or reciprocate harm”. This applies to women, children, and men equally. There should be no evil done to anyone - Islam doesn’t /nor ever encourages/ed harming children. Therefore it is impossible that the pious and well loved friend of the Prophet, pbuh, Abu Bakr, the Siddiiq of the nation would have allowed his young child to marry when she was not ready or physically mature enough. Although at the time of Tabuk (revising - checking) she describes herself as a “young girl” she had already been married for a while; she was fifteen. She mentions in the truthful narrations, at the time when she was accused of adultery by some hypocrites; the Prophet called her "that girl". Nonetheless she was of childbearing age; it means that she is telling us that she was not fully mature regards all of her behavior; she tells in one of the truthful narrations(Saheeh) that she used to fall asleep while preparing the dough to make bread, and the chickens would eat the dough, while she dozed. This means that she was still “immature” or irresponsible to some extent. This is one of the reasons that Muslims say that she was raised by the Prophet, pbuh. He also educated her, which is one of the duties of a good husband, as many scholars have written in the past and also present scholars write this (specifically about Islamic knowledge (because it is compulsory); all knowledge is equally permissible, and more importantly if it is a benefit to women or the society needs women to study those subjects, or needs women in certain fields, such as doctors, nurses, etc.)
Isn’t it true that girls prepare for marriage, before they get married; they dream about what marriage will be like, they talk with their friends, and they speculate about what their husband will be like. But, it’s also true that things, like cooking and so on, are often not skills women have developed to a good level of “perfection” until several years of experience. It is also true, that Aisha, r.a. was from a wealthy and well respected family; this suggests, that they had many servants or a housemaid, or women who might help preparing or serving the food. All the details, suggest that she was a blessed child, had a healthy and happy upbringing, and only she describes that she was “thin”; this means that naturally, she was not able to gain weight; therefore women of her circle suggested she “eat dates with cucumbers”, which she did. Thereafter she said, she got “fatter”. This shows, that food was readily available to her, that the reason she was thin was natural biology, and that she gained weight after following the advice of some more experienced than herself; it seems that she was not married yet at the time, because she says, that “they “fed her dates and cucumbers. She was growing and lank, so she ate the dates and cucumbers together, to get “fatter”. The incident could as well have happened after she was married, because during the time when she was left behind by the caravan, the “hawdag”or ride she was in, a ride with covering for her to sit, or be able to lie down was placed on top of the camel was lifted, without her inside, but none noticed, she said, because she was still “lightweight”. Maybe she was still growing and was also lank, or she had not grow taller yet, or she was in fact not very tall. She was not heavy at any rate.
We often find, that some ethnicities, or peoples are very short ad smaller than others. There are also some people or races which display extremely taller people. Some nations have tall and short people.
Therefore, while some women can be very tiny, they might marry a large man, does this mean they should be prevented from marrying their choice of husband merely because he is large, ad she is of small stature, or body type?! We see that generally women and men marry, regardless of physical reasons, or body types. Some very short women marry tall men. Also some petite men marry large women, and the reverse often happens. Does this prevent sexual compatibility or cause women any physical discomfort?! These are relevant questions, and also show that seemingly incompatible body types don’t prevent marriage.
Now, in this modern age, many women have caesareans to deliver their babies. Modern technology allows for less infant mortality, and also mother’s health before and after childbirth. Therefore, if children are too large, or a baby’s head is big, the mother may opt for a caesarean. Sometimes emergency caesareans are done, other times women opt for it before delivery. In the past women were not so fortunate; therefore, I think the question of body types had some importance, In the past as well. Definitely, parents would have wanted their child to be mature and physically able to bear children, and go through the pains of childbirth. It has already been mentioned that many children and large families were coveted. Therefore, why would a parent, or father, force an underage girl into marriage, when she was not even physically ready for sexual relations (due to lack of the proper hormones, and the natural production of sexual discharges) – of which Muslim women were more aware, especially detailed in the Saheeh traditions, because this was how Muslim females knew when to begin their prayers after menses; nor would she have been physically able to bear children. Lastly, the father of Aisha, and the Prophet’s father-in-law and respected friend, had already reason for caution, because the Muslims were a small band of men and women at the time.
The men were only 12 men and 4 women left Mecca at the time of the first migration to Abyssinia. The Muslims only increased by 6 in the 11th year and 6 more in the 12th year. Muslims who travelled to Habasha increased to 102 in the 6th year 19womem ad 83 men migrated to Habasha (Abyssinia). The prophet’s preaching resulted a slow increase In the 11 th ad 12th years, at Mecca during the pilgrimage (he was often jeered at and the pagans tried to prevent him from preaching Islam to those who came for Hajj.) The numbers were only 6, each time. Making 12 new converts, who travelled back to Medina, after the season. Including, the few Muslims who migrated during the first trip to Habasha, 12 men, 4 women, and the total was about130 emigrants. These were the Muslims who migrated to escape persecution and even death. The Muslims remaining in Mecca risked annihilation.
Obviously, there were much fewer men sometimes, which would also have prevented any marriages taking place. It was a trial, but also the “immigrants” as they became know, were very highly esteemed, as well as their people in Medina, who later accepted Islam in large numbers; the “helpers” also guaranteed protection, God willing, to the Prophet and the Muslims who came with him, from Mecca in the 13 th year, 70 men ad 2 women came from Medina to take the pledge ad he reaffirmed their faith In Islam; at that time, they negotiated the expected conditions for immigration of the Meccans to Medina and all relevant important details.(These are detailed I a paper I received several years ago, when I briefly enrolled In an Islamic studies diploma program at one of the known schools of Islamic studies, Bah.)
A famous hadeeth of the Prophet taught the Muslims that the sexual fluids are responsible for the physical characteristics or traits of their children, if the husband’s seminal fluid overpowers the woman’s the she will have a child that resembles him, on the other hand, if her sexual fluid over powers his, the child will resemble her. This is how the Muslims learned about heredity. This can also be applied, of course, to other things such as hereditary diseases such as sickle cell anemia and also mental disorders, which may also have some familial origins. Some diseases or tendencies occur more often, if the parents carry a gene, or have a history (In the family) of such diseases. Sickle cell anemia may prevent marriage of two people, in ‘Islamic’ countries, where there is high incidence of the problem, as it has very serious consequences for overall health ad happiness. This is the most difficult type of anemia due to the severe pain it causes.
Conclusions: hate is the reason for unfounded statements
Due to these very reasonable statements, not farfetched “excuses”, it seems more fair and honest to state unequivocally that Muslims don’t marry, or ever did marry off /or forcibly marry off their female children either because they were unready for marriage/ or because they did not want to marry(a certain person).
Non Muslims speak about Muslims’ relationships (especially between husbands and wives and also between daughters and fathers)as though we have no emotions nor the natural feelings of love for our children. This definitely shows some tendencies In the accusers to “racism” or “Islamophobia” and hatred.
We see that most coverts to Islam are women, sometimes the stats are 10:1, for women: men in some countries. Some times its 9:1, or 5:1. One may ask, why.
To me it shows several important things.
1 – Men in the west are reluctant to accept Islam, or rather downright refuse to learn about Islam.
2 – Women are more open –minded (I will qualify this shortly)
3 – Women believe Islam gives them “freedom” from sexual slavery to men’s appetites (their right to hide their body or face from men and only to reveal to whom they choose of near relatives.)
4 Women In some countries are lagging in the stats compared to new Muslims in other countries; this means that they either are not as willing/or haven’t to/ learn/ed about Islam, or that they believe the lies about Islam.
5 - There is a obvious reason that men lag behind women In the stats (for new Muslim coverts); they like the status quo.
6 – historically, men have been the ones to use women as sex objects; with more time, women have learned to mimic men; also sometimes men are now treated as sex objects, especially I the last 60 years or so, since strip clubs with “chip ad dale” shows, and male strippers came into vogue.
7 – Sex sells, therefore to change the paradigm, means less money from selling sex.
; ie. What will sell, other than sex?
8 - Some Muslims and many more Christians, atheists, agnostics and so on believe that Muhammad married a 9 year old, non-Muslims often say, she was even younger.
This shows that for different reasons, Muslims and non-Muslims believe the same; that Aisha, was a “child bride”, whereas she was not married until she had reached puberty.
Once a girl reaches puberty she is not considered a child In Islam. This can be age 12, some girls even get their periods today, at age 14. Some girls also get their period as early as age 10.
There is something to mention in this regard, and that is that parents are the authority on whether their daughters can be married and when. While Islam teaches that one should not refuse the proposal of a pious man or youth, it doesn’t forbid parents, or even encourage them to marry their young daughters. Also, in Islam, the customary and permissible actions or practices in a society are often very important considerations, and ok as long as they don’t contradict Islam in any way. This is called “urf”. It means that In society the customs are not forbidden and can be followed if they don’t go against Islam.
Parents would/will not normally/in the past (esp.)/present refuse to accept a proposal on behalf of their daughter, but the girl is or should be requested to meet her “fiancĂ©”; if she is satisfied with the proposal she can accept. This doesn’t mean however that marriage immediately takes place. Some people wait for one year before performing the actual wedding. Some families wait until the daughter is older. I myself met a young woman (18,) who had been officially married for 3 years and lived with her family until and after the marriage ceremony and before moving in with her husband. If the papers have been signed and the marriage has take place, still, that doesn’t mean that living together is necessary, until the families are agreed.
9- Many men on the internet are Islamophobes, and most of the people speaking out in debates for or against Islam are also women. BUT we see increased numbers of women (Muslims) speaking up for Islam, whereas men continue to be the major voices (for and) against Islam.
10 – There are many ignorant comments from women, and fewer positive comments from them.
Sometimes we find that there are more non-Muslim men speaking for Muslims’ freedom of religion, but rarely do non-Muslim women do so.
This may seem odd, but it actually makes sense; it shows that women In the west are by far the followers, while men are making up their own minds (for or against the status quo) even though they remain unbelievers in islam.
I’m speaking only about the non-Muslims, (not the Muslims, or Muslim coverts.)
To explain:
80 non- Muslim men say that Islam is misogynistic;
100 non-Muslim women say Islam is misogynistic;
20 non-Muslim men say Muslims are being discriminated against;
0-5 non-Muslim women say Muslims are being discriminated against;
I don’t think I have seen m/any seemingly/ independent minded non-Muslim women who have spoken in favor of Islam or Muslims’ rights;
That is strange or telling, considering that most new Muslim converts are women.
In other words; non- Muslim men think more independently because numbers for and against are 5:1, against Islam and Muslims: for Islam and Muslims
Whereas, from the non Muslim women on the internet, there is no apparent voice for Islam and Muslims, the comments are particularly aggressive and ignorant of Islamic teachings, and say the same things that men’s voices against Islam are saying (A given anyway).
This strongly suggests that (some) non Muslim women are largely (more) against Islam (despite the growing numbers of female converts, usually much more than male converts);
The dissenting voices “for Islam and Muslims” are largely if not almost all men’s voices; I n fact the percentage or ratio (20%, or 5:1, “against Islam” voices: “for Islam” voices, are probably the same as women converting to Islam: men converting to Islam, or slightly more/ less than that. I believe this shows that men in America feel freer to criticize people who promote hate on the internet against Islam and Muslims; it may show more independent research, definitely, I believe that men probably are more independent minded than the women, in Western and Christian societies, even now.
The voices for Islam are 70-90- Muslim women (of course some will be against women’s veil, or some things which are largely personal choices (In the west), and usually Arab women will be more against the covering than new Muslims.
70-90 - percent Muslim men or less than that (again there are issues which may Muslim men, especially non Muslims are against; for example some Muslim men do not want their wives to wear the niqaab or face veil; they do not sometimes even want their wives to wear a head scarf; they do not want many children. They do not agree that men should have more than one wife, and so on. (Many Muslim women dislike the idea of their husband marrying except her, but they may or may not think that it is actually not allowed, or greatly discouraged; some people site hadiths to this effect, which I may explain later, insha allah or for which is elsewhere on the blog )
Muslim men and women show equal numbers In terms of their beliefs about what Islam requires of women, what the relationship is between faith and appearance (dress or styles also), or the fact that equal numbers of men and women (might be according to race or background, i.e. or Muslim or Arab, vs. Muslim covert or non -Arab, though this is not an official study or supported by evidence, this is a preliminary draft only; much study needs to be conducted first. Insha Allah).
My preliminary look at comments on the internet does reveal that Muslims men and Muslim women are equal about expressing their negative feelings or thoughts on some of the long held and “sacred” or “orthodox”(if you will)views on women’s dress - In particular; whether or not it is required to cover partially (the hair) or completely (the face), and how this would affect one’s religion, (not at all, for those In favor of women’s complete rejection of any Islamic veil, for either hair or face, and perhaps even style of clothing, and makeup, would be included; as usually it is women who remove the face veil, or remove the headscarf In public, who will also wear cosmetics and \or mix with men unabashedly. O the right side, this shows that Muslims, me ad women, are equal I terms of dissent (even if it is about aspects which they view as negative I Islam; which shows independent thought y both groups, me ad women I modern Islamic society.) I say this is largely a good thing for Muslims and In the end will result In a positive outcome because Muslims, as they learn more about Islam, are already In a powerful position In terms of numbers “people power” and also, women are not afraid to voice their opinions, and also voice opinions which show a compromising attitude; yes they reject some things but still call themselves Muslims. And secondly, Muslim women show independent thought more than Western women. It is not unusual to find Muslim women who do not practice the Hiijab (veiling of the hair only), yet they speak highly of Islam and the Prophet of Allah, reject the super powers and American interference In their religion; or defilement of the Qur’an or the false statements against general Muslims, or lies about Muslim and Christian relations in the ME. Egyptians for instance, until only recently have been equal citizens of Egypt ad all live according to the law ad enjoy freedom of religion or general freedoms (equally). If is the former rulers who wanted problems between Christians and Muslims (even stirring sectarian violence in the past with their plots). Egypt has been a largely secular society despite the strong religious flavor of some practices, or even architecture; also Christian’s influences, such as Christmas celebrations and New Years’ celebrations (joined by Muslims as well as Christians) exist, too.
The old souqs, cultural or religious dress, cultural food, ancient practices, animal husbandry, sales and business practices, etc. etc. (I try to use my imagination, as I’ve never been to Egypt, and will revise later, lol)
This preliminary study concludes as well, that non-Muslim women are “shut-ins” from “reality”, much more independence of thought exists in non-Muslim men than is apparent in non- Muslim women. Muslim women, those who are new converts, particularly, become very proactive and are generally a positive force for change In their own societies (which reflects their new-found faith).They also show much more independent thought than either non-Muslim men have thus far shown, definitely more than most non-Muslim women.
What is true about Muslim Marriage?
1 –Non Muslims believe women In Islam are not free to choose their husbands, or to refuse a proposal; this is not the case; Muslim women and girls (‘girl’ means a female virgin- never married, regardless of age) can refuse to marry someone they do not want.
2 – Blaming cultural practices on Islam; Indian Muslims follow the customs of Hindus In their marriage practices and dowry, therefore a woman may be killed if her husband’s family does not receive a lot of money or gold form the family of the bride. This is not anything to do about Islam, or Islamic customs.
3- Women cannot be inherited, or given to someone else as sex slaves, or for any other purpose.
4 – The early Muslim women were outspoken, independent, brave, thoughtful, religious, pious, trustworthy, reliable, intelligent, courteous, soft-spoken and loving to their husbands, loving mothers and daughters, obedient to parents, faithful to husbands, and not unchaste, etc.
5– Muslim women today are successful, happy, confident, pious, truthful, independent, loving, caring, helpful, obedient wives, obedient to parents, religious, intelligent, etc.
6 – Muslims have long-lasting marriages; often divorce is less prevalent in Muslim-majority countries.
(This is dedicated to all those people who struggle against any form of malicious hate ad bigotry, be they Muslims or non-Muslims.)
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