Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Having a green Ramadan is easy!


This post is not about saving the environment (although it could be that, too) but about my study vacation in Malaysia, in the month of Ramadan,2013.

Later I will be blogging about the country and some of my experiences, insha Allah.
For now, you can see what Malaysia has to offer, or what the USM has to offer, by visiting the above link. I am studying e-publishing here.

Ramadan 7th, 2013

 This is my first search for photos of the University, I went to this website from the photos of the campus connected to other external sources (not by the USM, but some partner or other entity).

You will see trees in almost every picture, Malaysian being a very tropical country. The University has many bird species because of the natural environment and even the mascot is the red eagle which returned to the area because of the very hospitable habitat that was introduced to the area by the University early in its development. Many species of trees and other foliage or plants and flowers surround the students, staff and faculty or visitors.


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