Friday, September 20, 2013

Know What's Important

I want to address an important question, which is why I don't answer all of people's emails, or certain questions. The truth is, I don't have time to answer a lot of emails every day, especially from people who keep sending a lot at once. I have limited patience, just like everyone else.
One of the main reasons for not answering some people's emails is that they don't know how to phrase a question; accusing Islam and the Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah upon him, won't mean that I will feel obliged to respond, in fact the opposite might happen (depending on my mood); also, I will respond the way that I want, depending on how I feel at the time, so it doesn't mean a person will get a fight from me; sometimes I don't feel like it, other times I want to check something, or I don't know something. This doesn't mean that I don't believe Islam is the Truth.

Some emails are very obnoxious, the person emailing me has a bias and I don't believe they are interested in what I have to say a lot of the time, but just want to annoy me, or think they know soemthing about Islam which I am unaware of, and are trying to help me. I don't need or ask anyone to help me learn Islam, or Arabic, or want anyone to guide me. Allah is the guide; even if everyone on earth was praying for me to leave Islam, that's not going to happen. I hope I will always remain a believer, and that's what I want. I ask Allah to guide me and all Muslims to remain steadfast.

Sometimes, I have not been careful when responding to comments on the internet, and have regreted that, because we all make mistakes, but being in a hurry or not taking time to consider wording or thoughts, before publishing is unwise and does lead to some errors. It is better to keep explanations simple, whenever possible, because many people who don't understand English very well are also reading.

I had someone say he would not "debunk" me on my blog. I never asked anyone anywhere to debunk me. I have said "I debunked you", or "I debunked [him]", but I am not really here to have an argument with anyone. I am not interested in tit for tat debates about Islam. If people accept what I'm saying, that's great. If anyone has soemthing I should read, worth my time, or somehting I don't know, they can send it to me or comment. But I am not trolling others, and am not interested in responding to trolls either.

I am not trying to convert anyone.
What anyone believes, or wants to beleive is their own business.
If they want to know what I believe, that's a different story. Anyone is welcome to read my blog or comments and send me a question, reply or informaiton; but I have warned people not to be disrespectful, or they might not get any response from me at all, not even "F U".
Rarely, I do use some bad language, or *&^%(&*0 (something like this), but it doesn't happen all the time.

1 - To M.Serpicio, I think that was his name (Mark?) I already sent a reply, which was in response to his accusation that the Prophet, pbuh, gave permission to rape women. I then also posted a blog post, which I will give a link to later. Maybe, I will add the name as a tag or label, whatever.

2 - To another guy that sent me a lot of email, I have one thing to say after I happened recently opened one of his emails to me, and that is that it seems as though he has some kind of emotional or other problems, or is a troll, because he asks me how I can live with the fact that my parents are going to burn in hellfire, "roasting in hell for an eternity" or some such thing, he said, to which I can only respond, that it isn't any of his concern what I believe about my parents, or how I feel. I have explained that I have had good relations with my family after my conversion (since over two decades ago). I don't know what will happen to my parents, maybe they will eventually accept Islam. But I am convinced that Islam is the correct religion; if anyone doesn't believe that, is not my problem, even if they are my closest of kin.
You could say I am a 'tough cookie', or you could say that Allah has put faith in my heart and I have never thought about leaving Islam since my conversion.

3 - To Proudfemale1, I will blog and answer her question (again) about how women and men are equal before God, and that even men have periods of uncleanliness, which is a temporary condition, such as happens after ejaculation, after sexual relations or wet dreams, and this is natural; women's periods don't make them "unclean" in any way which is detrimental to their religion, it is just a temporary condition women (and girls) experience as part of their cycles, and so on. Women don't pray or read quran (there are different opinions about whether women can read or hold quran with gloves on, during their periods), but this is a matter for Muslim women, and doesn't concern non-Muslims. As for non-believers interested in Islam, they should read a translated copy of the Quran, if possible. The "ceremonial impurity" is temporary, but "spiritual impurity" is something else.
(I would like to edit this, but am in a hurry. Next time,I will try to give better answers or explanations about some of this)

I have some advice, which is that people should read to understand, not understnad to read, which means, don't bring your bias to reading, but try to be impartial, leave your "baggage" outside of the discussion and in your search for the truth.

David Wood doesn't read with an open mind, so you see that he doesn't even get any benefit from reading in his own mother tongue. He says two chapters of the Quran are lost, and they are not. You can see the label or tag (I don't know the difference) "David Wood" to read more about this; I realize sometimes I am too long winded, or go on and on, I'm sorry about that; I will try to not do that in future. It is better for the reader if I get to the point, I know. And that would facilitate their understanding of what I'm trying to say.

Thanks to people for reading and sharing my blog, I appreciate that I have been able to share with you.
That's it for now, take care.



  1. In case anyone is still confused, Islam doesn't permit rape. The question asked by a companion of the prophet Muhammad was about preventing conception (by coitus interuptis). It is clear if you read the english version of the hadith, that the question was about preventing pregnancy, not about permission to rape anyone. I believe the sex was consentual and therefore not rape. Rape is not mentioned, and probably women gave themselves to men freely, as they were accustomed to being treated in the manner of a slave e.g. to do menial labor around the home, and sleep with the owner. That was the 7th century afterall.

  2. I am having a hard time editing the posts. Also, since the blog is "adult content" I can't have comments?? Any suggestions how to fix the problem, or what else I could do about comments?

  3. A FAQ explains that when the blog you are reading is "adult content" (like mine is) then you can comment if you have Google+ page or profile.
