Sunday, February 16, 2014

A "Rare Breed" of Atheist

Don't pinch me, I'm awake.

I know what atheists think, that deists and theists are morons.

But what makes some of them now pride themselves even more (than other atheists)?

The "Vegan Atheist" has spawned a whole new breed of folks who believe they are better equipped to deal with the menace that is modern religion. They outright reject any belief in god, or gods, or the rules which religious people follow as moral. But that's not all...

They pride themselves for their superior intelligence, which might I add, doesn't (really) require one to "wear shades". Though you would think, from the way they pat each other on the back, that mere mortals wouldn't be capable of such brilliance or even witnessing it.

Should I say Dr. Vegan Atheist?

Well, not yet.

This same nonsense which is called "logic" that I've seen somewhere before, proves disappointingly funny however, along the lines of something someone else said when debating some points of religion (Islam) with me, "One person's reality is another person's illusion".
I begged to differ with that.

Oh, by the way, I did leave a comment or two for the Vegan Atheist on his YouTube channel, or on his blog, but I think he has yet to respond. I think I might have embarrassed him.

What I said,

"I'm not sure if you are the same Vegan Atheist who commented on comments in your You Tube videos?
In the "Stupid Muslim Comments" video #6, the "Vegan Atheist" says he thinks "people came from apes.["] What do you think..

I will say this for Richard Dawkins, he scoffs at people who believe that, yes. He is a biologist and therefore we assume somewhat intelligent and educated. He believes the theory of evolution and that "humans and apes share a common ancestor" but not that humans evolved from apes.

I hope vegans and atheists everywhere will think before they speak or write on the internet.
It isn't only others who make stupid comments.

"If you want to dish it, then you can take it", but like I said, I don't know if you are that person.
If you RSVP I wouldn't mind. I have my own blog as well."

(February 14, 2014 at 12:11 PM)

This was one of the posts I wanted to get up for V-day.


I did however have the opportunity to share one of the people I love in dawa, who is "Idris Tawfiq" a very loved and intelligent Muslim man, a revert from Britain. ( I had thought he was Irish)
I shared some of his links, etc. yesterday, the 15th of February.

February 14th, I drafted another post which I will share today on the blog.
So many more things I've been sharing from all over the place, on Twitter and Facebook, I can't remember them all now, but still I haven't gotten down to the nitty gritty of going through my old folders (boxes, too) of ideas, writings, drafts, paper and flash memory, or the hard work of finishing important final drafts.

I'm feeling restless, so I guess, it is time for something new and exciting.

Wonder what that might be?

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