Why does David Wood hate us? Okay, that's beside the point..
Why does David Wood say that God needed to trick anyone? That's not how Muslims understand the events surrounding the ascension of Jesus into heaven. He will return later, so why did he have to die in the first place, or why did he have to die for your sins, because God can forgive your sins without making Jesus suffer? A man who resembled Jesus offered to take Jesus' place, so that he was instead crucified and that was so his martyrdom was effected. It means, God destined someone else to die in Jesus' place, not so that we would be forgiven our sins through that person's suffering but so that that man would immediately go to Paradise for his willingness to die for the sake of his religion. The reason for Jesus to die (in Christianity) is concocted and not true.
The Jews and Christians should indeed judge by their own book, their own people. Muslims judge by their own book. This needs more study, by everyone. Islam doesn't teach that all people must convert. It only teaches that they must be decent people, not deceitful or openly sinful like the atheists (generally are, but I don't want to generalize about anybody, even those who don't have a religion.)
Also, Muslims don't tax the Christians within their countries lots of money, or force them to pay lots of money for services (like the Catholic Church in the past). Christian communities even sometimes welcomed the Muslims, such as in Constantinople because the crushing taxes they paid to the Christian rulers was never levied on them by an Islamic ruler.
David Wood sinks faster than the titanic!