Monday, December 10, 2012

What U Can Learn @ Comments

Fresh opinions inform viewers to the comments on YouTube:
"How enlightened are we if we only welcome people who are like us?"

No one cares how Muslims choose to live as long as they consider their religion their own business to decide about and not their business to force on anyone else. If Petra accept Islamists moving to democracies and spreading their intolerant ideology without any criticism I would like to know what human rights she is willing to give up on behalf of others in her quest for being "enlightened" and accept whatever?

katnils 1 week ago

If a christian, or my own mother preaches her religion to me, does that mean I am relinquishing my freedom of religion? being "enlightened" is a good thing. What you accept of reasonable allowances, or how you deal with people on equal footing; respecting individual freedoms, doesn't detract from your freedom, it's a moderate approach that will yield peace and understanding in society.That's what would be hoped. Surely are laws already that protect the British society and it's original people.

Diamondraw4Real in reply to katnils (Show the comment) 1 second ago

Petra is incredibly stupid. It doesn´t matter what HER idea of Islam is. The issue is that the ones among Muslims who are terrorists, the ones who don´t consider women and non Muslims to have equal rights under the law, the ones who don´t consider Apostates and homosexuals to have a right to live THEMSELVES refer to Islamic law, Sharia, and the Quran and Hadith for justification! What is her problem with understanding that this is the problem and not the ones who simply react to intolerance?

katnils 1 week ago

I live in a muslim-majority nation over a decade. We see gays, we see cross dressers, etc. They live freely despite the fact tht the majority of ppl here who are Muslims, don't agree with that behaviour. I think fear is all that you have to fear. It's not based on th way Muslims really are. Doesn't British law protect "original" peoples rights? think you have sufficient laws but do you have sufficient policing? That question is th right 1 but not fault of moderate muslims, who are the majority.

Diamondraw4Real in reply to katnils (Show the comment) 1 second ago

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