Thursday, December 6, 2012

Another One Bites The Dust - Good ...

  •  Good enough... for Battleship Page! Good Riddance, too...

    One might not be blamed for becoming discouraged when reading one's mail...BUT not me. The more of this garbage (sorry rubbish) I get, the more invigorated I feel, especially after replying back, as in the below example. I believe only Allah guides people to Islam, so whatever I say, as long as the intent is not evil, won't lead people further astray. As IwasUnknownUser finds out today, I won't be shut by the likes of him; it is disappointing, though to read comments like these from even seemingly intelligent people. I BLAME the wicked MEDIA. They are the "GREAT SATAN" which Khomeini failed to recognize. 

    I wonder if this person is French Canadian, because his channel on Youtube, registered trademark. definitely spouts a lot of hatred via the choice of videos there, and his accent comes through, it seems to me to be a French Canadian accent; go figure...a French Canadian who hates an English Canadian Muslim!??  The stream of comments is below for your reading pleasure!

    So what you did is just the same as many did, but you can't deny the fact if you are real Muslim believing the Quran and stupid Muhammad, you will have the inclination to ask for Islamic ruling and Islamic law, otherwise, you are not Muslim, which is clearly stated by many Muslim. Actually, iyou are more like Canadian than Muslim, if you don't believe, then go to Muslim country to know the reality. Why you feel happy, because of the western values like democracy, rule of law and freedom f speech
    • No, not at all. I am Canadian, jerk. I am Muslim, idiot. Your idiocy and hatred is obvious, the more that I entertain your ignorant comments with intelligence... too bad for you, jerk. Above your first comment to me was after I specifically said in a reply to katnils, that I have lived in GCC for a decade...are you drunk?? lol. Be honest to yourself,buddy, I am not trolling to mislead anyone, just trying to do a service to the bleeding and lost humanity, esp. the likes of ppl like you!
    • I live in a muslim-majority nation over a decade. We see gays, we see cross dressers, etc. They live freely despite the fact tht the majority of ppl here who are Muslims, don't agree with that behaviour. I think fear is all that you have to fear. It's not based on th way Muslims really are. Doesn't British law protect "original" peoples rights? think you have sufficient laws but do you have sufficient policing? That question is th right 1...
      Diamondraw4Real in reply to katnils LOOK UP^ 4 MORE
  • I lived in Canada with my huband and children. We never asked for more than what was available to any other groups. And in fact, as Canadians (I was born in Toronto and was Christian for half my life) we lived below the poverty line like many others. But we were happy enough. In Canada, the gov't does give the new arrivals things like welfare, 15 yrs ago, now they work for the money, I forget the program. Anyone needy can get free winter clothes (its colder up north) and kids beds, i they ask.

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