Friday, March 29, 2013

Attention; I am revising

Happy Friday (Jumua),

I just revised by adding a couple of paragraphs to the blogpost Tuesday, March 12th, about what Morey said, regarding one of the hadiths about the Prophet of Islam. It describes how, according to the wider opinion, Muslims during the Prophet's time regarded his modesty and virtues as sacrosanct. Therefore, all this hulla balloo about the Messenger's habits and descriptions of what he did or didn't do with regards his personal affairs, his marriages and his actions, descriptions which  receive a lot of negative comments from non-Muslims and Muslims are largely silent on some of these issues. The reason I wrote the blogpost was to dispel or answer the commonly held beliefs (about Islam) or some not so common accusations (against him, pbuh). Anyway, you can see the revision, on the same post as before, "Muslim IQ test - Part two" and the specific paragraphs are under the subtitle "the Shrouding of Allah's Messenger". Thanks, and have a good weekend.

J. D-N

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