Thursday, July 21, 2011

Summer Reading - Remembering Dubya

What a Commander- in -Chief does, acting naturally, during simultaneous reports of terrorist attacks
1.       Bush acted naturally on 9-11; if you follow the strategy that is being employed. If you don’t follow the strategy, then you are confused.
2.       He doesn’t follow the military strategy, in this case (morning of 9-11)
3.       He does follow ‘a strategy’, but what is it? Does it have a name?
4.       Maybe, he is following “subversive tactics” strategy to fool the general society.
5.       Ignorance is bliss as Gov’t policy: Most of the society, the normal people, (who) don’t have to know anything, most of the government, even (‘don’t have to know’), America’s allies (‘don’t have to know’), the Arabs, maybe the Al Saud family is excepted, (don’t have to know’), Canada, Britain, too, (‘don’t have to know’), or anyone who doesn’t have to know.
6.       Probably some Jewish people are informed about the (real) nature of the attacks beforehand.
7.       Some other Jews, Christians, etc. (or, connected closely with the first group, no6) are told to remain home from work, or try to fake death during 9-11 of a family member, so they can collect from the government and move to the Bahamas, or some other exotic location.
8.       What Bush does leading up to, during and after the attacks is strangely odd for a President, and commander- in- chief. But he knows what he is doing.
9.       The Al Saud quickly takes off less than one week after the attacks by terrorists. (Michael Moore)
10.   Condoleezza Rice lied, according to Time magazine in August, 2002. (Gore Vidal, the Enemy Within)
                    WAR Was Off the Shelf: About 9-11
           Bush government was ready for the Gulf War. Plans were on the shelf, says article.
          Brzezinski, America believes, they not just someone has to “control[s] … [the] oil [and] gas”.

11.   Other higher ups are involved, and know what is going on.
12.   America threatens Al-Qaeda in July, 2001, two months before a “pre-emptive” attack by OBL (it appears he [was] an “Islamic zealot”. (Gore Vidal, The Enemy Within)
13.   Some FBI agents hire David P. Shippers as their lawyer, to fight allegations that they are guilty of “whistle blowing” under the National Security Act.
14.   Strategy: Al-Qaida was a good target because Clinton has already planned to go after Bin Laden for his attack, on the Cole in Yemen, in Dec., 2000.(Gore Vidal, the Enemy Within)
15.   Eurasia’s resources  is the likely target of America’s foreign policy in the region; an attempt to get the upper hand on Russia, China in its hegemony and control of  Central Asian former Soviet republics,(or Muslims) according to President Carter’s former National Security Advisor, Brzezinski. (Gore Vidal, The Enemy Within)
16.   The start of a ‘militarization campaign’, says Ahmed (Nafeez Mossadeq Ahmed, executive director of Institute for Policy Research and Development, author of The War On Freedom), quoting Brzezinski. (Gore Vidal, The Enemy Within)
17.   Once a Unocal employee is sent to take care of business in Afghanistan, along with former employee of Unocal (“according to Le Monde”) Hamid Karzai, the newly elected President of Afghanistan, Bush makes up an axis of Evil with Saddam as the Iraqi target. (Gore Vidal, the Enemy Within).
18.   Then OBL is believed to be in Iraq, to prove the connection between Saddam and Al-Qaida “as foretold by Brzezinski”. (Gore Vidal, the Enemy Within)
19.   No weapons of mass destruction are ever found in Iraq.
20.   Saddam is caught, and hanged after a quickie trial.
21.   OBL leaves Sudan, in 1996, with 3,000 others. (Gore Vidal, the Enemy Within)
22.   Bin Laden issues a Fatwa, 1996. (Gore Vidal, the Enemy Within)
23.   OBL is finally caught in Afghanistan, early 2011.
24.   American troops will remain in Afghanistan indefinitely in a “militarization campaign”, Ahmed quotes Brzezinski. (Gore Vidal, the Enemy Within).
Thanks to the people or organizations mentioned above for the hard work of researching and writing the facts.

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