Thursday, June 21, 2012

Western Hatred of Islamic Culture

Is Islamic culture respected? (Part Two)

Now, France and Britain attempt to unite their people under a “cultural identity”. The culture, or more correctly religious expression of Muslims, specifically Islamic dress, is a recent target. In America, surprisingly, even the five daily prayers are being attacked!

Britain’s “multiculturalism” and religious freedom allows much cultural and religious expression, but laws can be created to stifle Islamic religious expression, or freedom if need be (on a mere whim, apparently) or as the government sees fit; for example, in the name of security, or under the guise of “multiculturalism” or “women’s rights”.

Multiculturalism then becomes a tool which can be used to herd Muslims into the “melting pot” with promises of greater freedom; they can be dealt with more easily; as the (present or sitting) government sees fit; by new laws enacted to stifle expressions of religion or culture different from the majority of Brits.

“O Mankind, your injustice is only against yourselves, (being merely) the enjoyment of worldly life” (10:23, The Qur’an)

See also footnote 476, p.273, The Qur’an, Saheeh International publishers.

The internment of Muslim families, specifically children is a systematic practice in Netherlands. Families are separated; children taken away from their fathers. It is inhumane and dirty; one man said, he had not known that such a thing happens in his own country; a free and modern state; he was shocked at his country’s ‘dirty secret’. Most people don’t know that this is happening to the asylum seekers, or illegal immigrants. He is a children’s author, he wrote a book about the experience. (see story - add)

See also, Islam in America and Europe targeted

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