Monday, December 3, 2012

Islamic View of Honor

Islam and Honor (Part One)

What is the meaning of Honor in Islam?

Honoring the Prophet, or honoring your parents, is something to be respected. It means that we should show respect to our elders, or to one we love tremendously; in so doing, we also honor ourselves.

Non-Muslims, speak about the “great honor” of speaking before an audience. That’s fine, if the audience deserves that amount of respect. But what if they’re just a bunch of jerks, or half wits?

Sometimes, the words we choose are used very lightly, or without much thought.

So just as “hate” is a strong word, and should really be reserved for people or things which we actually do “hate”, not for our neighbor’s dog that has accidentally, or because it is a dog, pooped on our lawn. Similarly, honor really should be reserved for people we actually respect and love.

Honor, it should be noted, is one of the best compliments; to “honor someone with your presence”, means that you are respected, and is quite a compliment to receive. But we must be extremely careful not to let such sayings “get to our heads”, or to our “egos”. Egotism and pride are forbidden in Islam. Muslims should always remain humble, because after all, we are only fallible humans and no matter how “good” of a Muslim. The Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah upon him, said “I am the messenger of Allah, yet I do not know what Allah will do with me”. He was very careful, not to speculate on the future, even though he was the Messenger of Allah and His Prophet.

When Muslims perform the sacrifice, they are also in a way, honoring God with their sacrifice. This is a sincere performance, meant only to gain Allah’s pleasure, done for His sake only, not for showing off, and it must be completely sincere and in accordance with Islamic rules. No part of the sacrifice or even the intention is allowed to go to anyone else; it is done solely for Allah, and according to proper Islamic rites.

Many people admire those wealthy people who can afford to/slaughter many animals, or a large sheep, or cow, for the sake of Allah. It is permissible to admire the wealth of a person, without jealousy or to praise him. A Muslim should not over praise another Muslim, either, and the Prophet SAWS, said, “Do not over praise me”.

Allah, Al Jalala

Finally, the way to honor one’s self is also possible. Honoring one’s self means to follow Islam to the best of one’s ability. There is no pride (kibr) involved; it means that one is pleased to perform one’s duties and obligations; the reward for one who tries sincerely to perfect one’s religion is Paradise.

Allah has honored the believers with the ‘deen’ (religion), or this “way of life”. It is both divine and natural. The Muslims speak about their feeling of “peace” or “tranquility”, and their joy in practicing Islam, which is their “present” goal as well as an inspiring religion; it means a life with purpose and guidance and is the only way to reach the next goal which is Paradise. They are in awe of the Creator, who creates and sustains, and sends His blessings on humans, and the world. In fact, all of the creation, praises Him.

Allah breathed of His soul, into the first man, and created Even from his rib. Allah brought forth all of humanity from the loins of Adam, and all of them testified to the Oneness of Allah, and his Lordship. In this way, Allah honored Adam with guidance, and made Adam and Eve the first people on earth, a place of struggle for them and a home for a time. Adam was honored with being the first true Prophet of God. While Adam was to blame for his mistake in heeding the advice and words of the Shaytan Iblees, the Satan, Allah forgave him and his wife. Thus were the first lessons which humans learned, and the beginning of the “struggle”. When Adam succeeded in his mission, he was sent to Paradise. We read in the hadiths/traditions of Muhammad, SAWS, about the “Isra wal Miraaj” or famous ascent into heaven, when the Prophet, SAWS, meets the former Prophets of Allah.

Next time, read more about how Allah has honored the believers.

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