Monday, December 3, 2012

Islamic Honor - Part Two

How Allah has honored the Muslims

Allah blessed Muslims with the perfect religion. Islam, is perfected, as Allah said, “This day have I perfected for you your religion”.

Muslims, men and women, are blessed with the guidance, and the words of Allah, the Most High. For this they should be eternally grateful, and because of this they should be most ready to strive in His Way.

Muslims have the best example in the Prophet, Muhammad, Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon him. And the example of the righteous companions of Muhammad, May Allah be pleased with them.

In regards to Islam, the Muslims are the “best people” to bring this message to humanity; the community of Muslims is the most blessed community; Allah wants us to take this message to the entire world.

Part of the hatred of Islam, is the misguided notion that Islam is misogynistic. Because if Islam was a man-made religion, perhaps it would have been like other religions, and reflect the opinions and biases of the people, such as happened with Christianity within a few years of its birth. But Islam is not a man-made religion.

Allah says in the Qur’an about women in Islam“****************"

In fact, Allah, “azawajal”, Most High and Most Great, blessed Muslim women more than any other women, and even Mary, the Mother of Jesus, was one of the Muslims of her time. She worshipped Allah, and no other god. She didn’t worship her son, nor was she worshipped in her time. Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, says about Maryam, the mother of the Messiah, “*************** “.

Thus, women in Islam are not made to feel less than men. They have great pride in their origins, they remember the great women of Islam, in the early history of the religion, and they remember the beautiful and true words of the Prophet of Allah, when he said, Peace and blessings be upon him, “……..”.

Women must perform the rites of Islam, just as the men, with no exceptions, except those instances or reasons which are specific to the ill, the poor, or any other category of exceptions; duties which are the same for men and women. In the obligations, men and women are equal. All are responsible for their “area of influence”. Therefore men and women do not hate each other, or feel jealous of each other because of what Allah has given each of them of responsibilities, blessings or privileges.

The Hiijab is one of women’s honors

A great hue and cry arises when the hiijab is ordered on the women. This is a part of the religion, and no one, man or woman, has the right to change the words of Allah, or try to change the religion because of their personal opinion, or any dislike they have for parts of the religion.

Allah's veil of light is mentioned in the Prophetic sayings. A hadith explains that the Muslims, who will be the most fortunate of the people, actually a very small number of true (believers) Muslims; compared to the rest of humanity who will go to Hellfire, will see Allah. His face will be covered with this Hiijab. It is the Hiijab of light, “nur”, which will be removed, and the believers that day will see Allah’s, jala wa ‘Aala, face just as we see the sun, as the Prophet Muhammad has long ago informed the Muslims.

An amazing verse, or 'ayah', about inheritance shows that in truth, Islam is the best religion and complete. It has honored men and women, with great signs, among them is the following verse about the share of a brother and a sister, "If a man or woman has no direct heirs [neither children or parents]but has left a brother or a sister, they shall each inherit one sixth...", Chapter: Women, V. 13 In other words, a man would receive one-sixth if he is the only remaining sibling, and likewise a sister would receive one-sixth if she is the only remaining sibling. This means that the brother or sister of one whose parents and children (or if no children) are already dead, receive equal inheritance.

I'm unclear whether, if there are both brother and sister that they would each receive an equal share. But I think the rest of the verse explains that the brother would get twice as much as a sister, if there are more than two of them, "but if there are more than two, they share one-third between them" In the first part of the verse, above in bold, if it is only the brother and sister (the english word "or" is used, which could mean both of them or only one of the two.) each receive one-sixth, after payment of any bequests (wasiya) or debts (dayn). Allah knows best

Therefore, Allah, azawajal, has honored Muslims with this ‘deen’. Just as Allah, azawajal, created Adam with his own hands and blew of His soul into him. Nuh, was the first messenger sent to the people, Ibraheem was the “khalil” of Allah; the ‘special friend’ of Allah. Musa, alaihi salaam, was the Prophet and Messenger of Allah, one of the five strong prophets of Allah. His brother, the Messenger Harun was given him to support him against the Pharaoh. Jesus, alaihi salaam, the word of Allah, and the son of Maryam, alaihimu salaam, and his Prophet, and the “ruh” of Allah (a word also said about the angel Gabriel) All this is explained in the hadith, told by the Prophet, SAWS, about his flight to Paradise/Jenna, and his meeting with the former Prophets. Prophet Muhammad is the “Khatim al anbiya”, the “seal of the Prophets” and the best of humankind. Muhammad, SAWS, explained that he would be allowed to “intercede” for his people, the Muslims who believed in him and followed his message. Allah gave him “al Kauthar” a river in Paradise, with cups like the number of stars, around it, from which the believers only will be able to drink. Only the hypocrites, will be driven away from it, then they will enter the Hellfire. May Allah protect us this month, (it was Ramadhan earlier, when I first attempted to write this post) and for always from the Hell fire, and protect us from His displeasure, Allah Most High, Most Great.

The Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, is described in some sayings, as having a face like the sun. His face had a light in it. The people said he was the most beautiful person, in looks, being not too tall or too short, but of medium height, and medium build. Those who had seen him described him; that he had the best character as well as being pleasing to look at.

The Arabs actually had a practice in the past, which was to cover the face of a man, or the man would cover his own face, with his headdress, if he was a very beautiful person. Sometimes, they would dirty the face of a beautiful boy, or to hide his cleft chin, as the Prophet, SAWS, advised one person to do. This means, that although Allah, Subhanahu, created some very beautiful people, Allah, knows best about them, and He, azawajal, in His Wisdom ordered that women cover their faces (or their “adornments”). While there is some difference of opinion about the practice of covering the face, it is one of the strong opinions, and the face is often the most beautiful attribute of women, and is best to be covered, according to the opinion of the Maliki? and Hanbali?. Shafii say that women’s face must be covered with no exception. The only concession with regards the hiijab, is when a woman is older. This is mentioned in the Qur’an. When a woman is elderly and past the age when she would attract anyone’s desire or attentions then she may uncover some of her “adornments”, appropriately of course. This is generally thought to mean the face only.

Muhammad, saws, said, “whoever answers me, enters Jenna, and whoever doesn’t answer me, enters the fire” as was said, “The house is Jenna, and Muhammad is the caller, whoever accepts him, enters Jenna, and whoever doesn’t accept his invitation, enters Hell. Muhammad is the “al-farq bain al-nas” the difference between the people.”

And Allah said, “Whoever loves Allah should follow me. Allah will love him”. (The Qur’an)

1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry for not having revised this post even until now (one year or more) because it needs some specific references from the quran or the hadiths; insha allah, I will make note of this and do the necessary edits, or revisions, soon.
